Siiii terminé mi fanart para la dinámica Sextember3 !! 🔥🔥, pero esperen porque no será el único 😏 😉

# FYFRL # Sextember 3 # RanmaSaotome # AkaneTendo # FanartDinámica # Saotome # Tendo

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One Comm less! And double this time! :D If I tag the owner, images wont show. Sorry. ^^' But she has these already. :) Main idea is that the characters changed their personalities

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Feeling a bit nostalgic, a sketch of from

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Como esta semana voy a estar ausente he hecho estos chibis para que os acordéis de mí ❤️😊 Feliz fin de semana!

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New commission finished!
If you interested in commissions, send me a dm on instagram!
Thank you! Hope you like it! 💕🌸

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Oggi in Giappone per i fan è il
"Ran'a no hi" (乱あの日) ovvero una giornata dedicata a Ranma e Akane
(Ranma neko)

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Pues… como estoy de baja aún y me aburro aquí os dejo este fanart de mi pareja favorita. Esta Akane no se entera de nada… Ranma protegió su honor 😏

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the ranma piece is coming along super cute ! We love a sapphic girl gang

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