Dumb idea that rattled around in my head until I drew it. This guy is SUPER-calloused from cheese grating his arms so swords can't slice or pierce them 😭

6 29

A deep hum rattled around what was left of the city. The Oracle had out manoeuvred the army every step of the way. Nothing, it seemed could stop it from reaching the island...

Plottery For Cloud People!

Draw Sunday, 10pm UTC

24 69

Bugaboo (Bug + Boo)
Abilities: Rattled, Swarm
Hidden Ability: Unnerve

Mothimp: (Mothman + Imp)
Abilities: Clear Body, Unburden
Hidden Ability: Unnerve

Cryptowl: (Cryptid + Owl)
Abilities: Intimidate, Effect Spore
Hidden Ability: Unnerve

1 5

"L—look! That's it right up ahead!" 🖤
The monstrously blubber laden cerberus' footfalls rattled the walls with each shuffle they managed towards their goal, each one seeming strangely heavier than the last until the ground beneath them spiderwebbed with cracks.

32 94

This is exactly what was created for.🤣Giving it gooey/rattled as abilities doesn’t help much either… we should just forget the convergent debate and call these new Pokémon variants joke or meme Pokémon😂Thanks to & some others for this madness https://t.co/GEAfcLDB7s

10 77

Official artwork of Wiglett, the Garden Eel Pokémon.
Type: Water
Abilities: Gooey / Rattled

"Boasting an exceptional sense of smell, Wiglett is able to pick up scents from over 60 feet away. It has a skittish disposition and is constantly cautious of its surroundings."

113 507

Artwork oficial do Wiglett:

A semelhança de Wiglett com Diglett é mera coincidência, um resultado de sua adaptação ao ambiente.

Categoria: Pokémon Enguia-de-jardim
Tipo: Água
Altura: 1,2 m
Peso: 1,8 kg
Habilidade: Gooey/Rattled

5 125


It’s said that Wiglett’s resemblance to Diglett might be a mere coincidence—a result of its adaptation to its environment.​

Category: Garden Eel Pokémon

Type: Water

Height: 3'11

Weight: 4lbs

Ability: Gooey/Rattled

5 16

613 - Cubchoo
Type: Ice

Abilities: Snow-cloak, Slush-rush, Rattled

0 0

The color illustration from the cover of Lost Rattled Chapter 50. I had a lot of fun with the colors for this one.

0 7

438 - Bonsly
Type: Rock

Abilities: Sturdy, Rock-head, Rattled

0 1

366 - Clamperl
Type: Water

Abilities: Shell-armor, Rattled

0 0

293 - Whismur
Type: Normal

Abilities: Soundproof, Rattled

0 0

261 - Poochyena
Type: Dark

Abilities: Run-away, Quick-feet, Rattled

0 0

210 - Granbull
Type: Fairy

Abilities: Intimidate, Quick-feet, Rattled

1 3

209 - Snubbull
Type: Fairy

Abilities: Intimidate, Run-away, Rattled

0 0

206 - Dunsparce
Type: Normal

Abilities: Serene-grace, Run-away, Rattled

0 0

185 - Sudowoodo
Type: Rock

Abilities: Sturdy, Rock-head, Rattled

1 2

165 - Ledyba
Type: Bug / Flying

Abilities: Swarm, Early-bird, Rattled

0 1

129 - Magikarp
Type: Water

Abilities: Swift-swim, Rattled

1 1