"It's the ABCs! They've turned on us!"
"Treacherous dogs!" 😠

Binged ReBoot series 1 and 2 on my days off last week and I always adore these two. So Jeeves and Wooster. 💙

5 17

It struck me that I've not graced/cursed (delete as applicable) my followers' timelines with a lounging Megabyte recently. And as it's the season for giving, and I should probably try to get in the festive spirit: Voila! So have you been naughty or nice...? 😘 1/2

5 17

I drew it properly! It's late and they're watching The Love Hospital. Megabyte's making a sardonic commentary he knows Codec can't understand. Codec is captivated by the screen. And Mike is a little bit terrified. Even he couldn't have predicted this plot twist.

5 16

The prompt for today speaks to me:
"27. Got any AU ideas?"
Yes. They consume me. 🙃💚💙💚💙❤️‍🔥

1 6

"You see what happens when the control freak resorts to disorder and the anarchist to discipline?"

(Don't ask me to explain this. My brain basically plays me the trailer for a fic and I then have to fill in the gaps and figure out the full "movie".🤷)

2 16

This honestly wasn't meant to be a sexy sketch, I know you will all think I'm lying, but he just... is? 💙 (Does this count as day 2 for Fave ReBoot villain? No contest. 😘)

4 14

No wait, I managed another Count Byte. 😈 Now, is it vampire or werewolf? Ugh, decisions... 🦇🆚🐺🎃

3 9

Then ta-da, successful feeds will give him a doting bride or two. His ego is gonna love this. Bob *and* Dot his adoring slaves? He could get used to this. 🧛😈 Lucky fella. Happy Spoopy season! 😘💚💙

1 11

"Better run, better run
When the wolves come out to play!
Full moon is risin'
Oh, the hunger's burnin' like a flame"
- Wolves, Sam Tinnesz

Awoo! 🐺 No ReBootober tonight because I got distracted (again) by Spoopy-season-Were-Megabyte. I regret nothing. 💚💙#ReBootfanart

11 27

Megabyte is (very characteristically) usurping my by taking up yet another of my evenings with artistic nonsense - but it's ok, I managed to speed sketch Enzo for day 23's prompt before midnight! Go little Guardian.

3 12

Yes I managed one more Megababe this evo! 🥳 Burnout must surely come soon... but not yet, not yet.

Sketch numero 5 for Megabyte day! 😘 Needed to get dem Wolverine claws in one of today's sketches ofc...💙💚

5 19

I'm continuing the day celebrations this merry with another sketch. This is number 2 of 4! There will be 2 more scheduled later in the day! "Viruses are predatory by design..." 😈

3 12

It's Day 7 and another "rest, catch-up or draw" day. I am incapable of resting apparently and as it's also spoopy month, let's go for some "bloodlust" with Trojan Megz. "Chaos will always triumph over order. It is the way of things". 💙💚❤️

3 13

It's time for Day one is Bob. Sorry Bob... You would dab, I just know it... (Big thanks to Hazelgeek for planning this! So excited to see what everyone creates!)

7 16

"We know what we are, but know not what we may be" (Hamlet, Act4, sc5).

Happy I think I've gone foe yay on main again, sorry guys. 😏 My brain *was* going somewhere with this. But I honestly don't know where. 🤷

3 18

"You ruddy big viral git" 😅

Just for a change, here's another sketch of Megabyte. 💚💙❤️ 😘

4 30

When I say these are drafts I mean it, I've not even drawn Mouse's face properly, but I want to get all the High Arcana outlined asap so I can get on down and dirty rendering them. Anyway, lookit this pair, I love them: Mouse as The Moon, and Ray as The Sun. 🌜🌞

4 27

I'm sure Megabyte knows full well who it was who sent him into the Web to perish. She's top of the list. And he can bring it on, sugah.
I got carried away with this drawing but nvm, it turned out alright considering I'm allergic to backgrounds... 😅

7 29