Dungrunglung was a settlement of grungs located in the jungles of Chult. It was home to a giant shrine dedicated to the goddess Nangnang.

📖: Dungeons & Tombs
🎨: Conceptopolis


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The Master of the Iron Sky, known as Telos in most tongues, was a sleeping primordial beneath Telos City in Vaasa. He was the source of the Warlock Knights' power.

📖: Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide
🎨: Francis Tsai


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Blackspawn corruptors were nasty, crafty creatures that preferred to work either alone or with creatures they could bully into submission.

📖: Dragons of Faerûn
🎨: Gonzalo Flores


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Lammasu were noble and stern magical beast that sought to promote goodness throughout the world.

📖: Dragon 224
🎨: Tom Baxa


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Members of the Church of Waukeen were tasked with aiding merchants and traders across Toril, helping their businesses succeed and thrive… for a price, of course.

📖: Faiths and Pantheons
🎨: Stephanie Pui-Mun Law


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The Soulmonger was an immensely powerful artifact built by the lich Acererak, allowing him to harvest souls from all of Toril to feed a gestating atropal.

📖: Tomb of Annihilation
🎨: Daarken


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Ugudenk was a demon lord known as The Squirming King who held dominion over the 177th layer of the Abyss, known as the Writhing Realm.

📖: Dragon 359
🎨: Andrew Hou


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Night Mask deathbringers were elite agents of the Night Masks in Faerûn. They were feared by the natives of Westgate, and were hungry for power in their own right.

🎨: Warren Mahy


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The Ivy Mansion, the ancestral home of the eccentric Harpell family of wizards, appeared to be a collection of many smaller buildings with no coherent architectural style.

📖: Streams of Silver
🎨: Val Semeiks


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The Queen of Air and Darkness was a powerful archfey who ruled over the Unseelie Court.

📖: The Wild Beyond the Witchlight


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Current clacks, dragon edition! We have a hoard of draconic lore this month, with dragon breeds, dragon magic, famous dragons, and, as usual, more!

📖: Wrath of Ashardalon
🎨: Jesper Ejsing


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A map of the Outlands, depicting the divine realms of Thoth's Estate, Tir na Og, Tir fo Thuinn, and Semuanya's Bog.

📖: Planescape Campaign Setting
🎨: Roy Boholst


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Smoke para-elementals were cautious and unfriendly para-elementals who sustained themselves by converting their elemental opposite, air, into smoke.

📖: Manual of the Planes 3e
🎨: Wayne Reynolds


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Garmorms, hideous sentient creatures native to the Astral plane, absorbed the minds of other creatures, drawing its victim's body into their own and instantly dissolved it

🎨: Brian Despain


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Wheeps were miserable, poisonous and eyeless undead creatures, stuck in unending torture of pain, often serving as guards or minions of more powerful undead beings.

📖: Libris Mortis
🎨: Jeremy Jarvis


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Loup garous were more powerful cousins of the standard werewolves who were affected by an extremely virulent type of lycanthropic curse.

📖: Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft


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Mind flayers consumed their victims' very personality by extracting and devouring their brains while they were still alive.

📖: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms
🎨: Alexander Mokhov


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The Holy Symbol of Ravenkind could hold a vampire or its spawn in place as well as repel and destroy undead.

📖: Expedition to Castle Ravenloft
🎨: Anne Stokes


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Ki-rins were noble creatures native to the celestial planes. They were regarded as harbingers of good fortune, & days when a ki-rin was sighted were considered blessed.

📖: OA 3e
🎨: Darrell Riche


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Emerald dragons were gem dragons who were inquisitive and often more knowledgeable than most sages.

📖: MM II 3e
🎨: Glen Angus


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