Hey every out there, I found my mask of all the first 4000 pieces, this is my favourite one I love that so much! 🔥 BRO You have so amazing FANTASY this is CRAZY!!! 🤩

4 47

paying respect to another OG set out there and giving the RR Merch treatment

Bone crew drop you numbers in comments and I will kit out your apes

available for

Apes & Mutants

4 11

This was a cool one to kit out...

Here we have the super rare 0n1 Rebel Mars Cat

This is the sort of cool stuff we can do when we all work together

The way forward is as a tribe not individuals

14 68

Demand for the PFP Merch is crazy

Never had so many DMs lol

Everyone who dropped there or numbers to me will be sorted asap

What should be the next set that deserves to get the treatment?

9 37

New teaser?
New teaser.

Come find your mask and join the community!

9 27

So you're probably not gonna find a pfp looking more bad ass than this

If you do please show me cause I will probably buy it

is illustration illuminati


5 25

Finding and connecting more

A Rebel Rabbit is an active participant in the reset of income inequality and institutionalized poverty that is the grotesque hallmark of a broken system

Join us https://t.co/mEkbwz9brK

2 2

A new PFP King has arrived!!!

are finding each other and forming a decentralized uprising

Do you have the Rebel spirit


2 7

You better make room on that top tier for this new project starting to heat up

Discord only open a few days and still ways to get on presale list (not the usual grind)


Some of the best art on the blockchain

4 14

We might be the only other set whose members are getting and we haven’t even launched yet!!! It’s not an NFT, it’s a movement. Join the rebel army in the fight for a fair and more decentralized world. unite!

2 5