when youre a redpilled girlboss selected ambient works doomer

252 1410

You want to know the funny thing about the It's really the Blue Pill. For all the bleeding science edgelording rationalizing it drags as, it's really just a complete surrender to confirmation bias.

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Make a zattle to instantly become based and redpilled (i tried it and it works) https://t.co/w38lO22dpP

1 3

Happy birthday, ! I am currently receiving reports that his Dark Phantom art is "based" and "redpilled" and yeah that seems pretty accurate to me

1 2

Imagine being some japanese kid in 1990, your playing Metal Gear 2 on the MSX.
Then some greasy, bearded, American says "wow your based and redpilled like us, that's pretty poggers and kek". https://t.co/4gHGFlEBFO

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This meme "redpilled" me and I hate it

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"Red Pilled" - My rendition of my favorite scene in one of my favorite movies. "Remember, all I’m offering is the truth, nothing more."
https://t.co/isPMVIce8J via

2 14

Tfw that feel when too based and redpilled to get fat tiddy commission from Strype

2 23

Tfw too redpilled to get a comission from Strype

7 95

You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”

1 3

"REEEE based redpilled libtard autism commie maga drumpf delete this clown"

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