1/ In Referendum 220 the community voted on whether to open a HRMP channel between Statemine and .

3 31

The excellent graphic designer Andriy Yermolenko, brilliantly illustrated the situation before the referendum was mentioned. May 2020 ⬇️

3 16

1/ In Referendum 217 the community voted on whether to provide Genshiro () with liquidity funding of 25000 KSM.

To celebrate the unprecedented community involvement in this Referendum, ALL Items share a common Shelf Equippable Resource: The Activist Crowd.

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In Referendum 216 the community voted on whether to upgrade the Kusama runtime to version 0.9.26.

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1/ In Referendum 212 the community voted on whether to give a KSM liquidity subsidy. The team aims for this allocation to provide liquidity for staked KSM and to further improve the incentives for users to nominate and pledge tokens.

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1/ In Referendum 215 the community voted on whether to cancel proposals 74 to 91 inclusively. The intention is to clear the public proposal queue and reduce the barrier to entry for other referenda.

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1/ In Referendum 213 the community voted on whether to upgrade the Kusama runtime to version 0.9.25. The upgrade includes several changes in preparation for Governance 2.0.

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1/ In Referendum 211 the community voted on whether to reset the Pichiu Parachain. The underlying proposal of this Referendum has been replaced by Referendum 205. Since Referendum 205 has passed community vote already, this Referendum (like Referendum 209) was superfluous too.

6 33

1/ In 210 the community voted on whether to upgrade the runtime to version 0.9.23. The updated code brings about several related changes.

Here is to some of our past runtime NFTs! 🥂

5 27

Ok but I get fr sad whenever I think about Welsh independence bc it’s just,, not going to happen like in general Welsh people aren’t v outspoken leave the UK. At least Scotland speaks out occasionally but they had a referendum + still voted to stay in so what hope do Wales have,,

0 1

In 1990, even before the collapse of the USSR, Karakalpakstan declared its sovereignty. In 1993 it signed a treaty with Uzbekistan. It agreed to remain as part of the country for 20 years, if it keeps its sovereignty and will have a right to later secede through a referendum

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Scotland’s independence referendum will be held on the 19th of October 2023.

Time to set the date in Ireland too.

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1/ In Referendum 207 the community voted on whether to open a HRMP channel between and

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1/ The baby dragon will grow up (🧒) for wallets meeting the following requirements:

1. Baby dragon equipped to Shelf 🐉
2. 9 out of 10 Items from Referendum 195 to 204 equipped to Shelf 9⃣
3. 1 Rare and 2 Epic Items amongst them 🌟

Snapshot TBA ⏰

Read below for utility!

9 29

1/ In Referendum 204 the community voted on whether to open a HRMP channel between Statemine and .

In Japanese 'Shiden' means purple light/lighting.

Your Items are currently "off". Turn them "on" to see the magic happen.

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1/ In Referendum 203 the community voted (again) on whether to give the RMRK token sufficiency on Statemine. The last 2 motions on the topic did not execute correctly. The third time is the charm.

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