Entrevista exclusiva a y sobre su novela gráfica el inicio de una interesante trilogía que se centra en la turbulenta historia de la Reforma de Europa en el siglo XVI


A la venta el 21 de marzo por

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Exclusive interview with and about their graphic novel the beginning of an interesting trilogy that focuses on the turbulent history of the Reformation of Europe in the 16th century


In March 21 from

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Entrevista exclusiva a y sobre su novela gráfica el inicio de una interesante trilogía que se centra en la turbulenta historia de la Reforma de Europa en el siglo XVI


A la venta el 21 de marzo por

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Exclusive interview with and about their graphic novel the beginning of an interesting trilogy that focuses on the turbulent history of the Reformation of Europe in the 16th century


In March 21 from

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Entrevista exclusiva a y sobre su novela gráfica el inicio de una interesante trilogía que se centra en la turbulenta historia de la Reforma de Europa en el siglo XVI


A la venta el 21 de marzo por

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Exclusive interview with and about their graphic novel the beginning of an interesting trilogy that focuses on the turbulent history of the Reformation of Europe in the 16th century


In March 21 from

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Entrevista exclusiva a y sobre su novela gráfica el inicio de una interesante trilogía que se centra en la turbulenta historia de la Reforma de Europa en el siglo XVI


A la venta el 21 de marzo por

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Exclusive interview with and about their graphic novel the beginning of an interesting trilogy that focuses on the turbulent history of the Reformation of Europe in the 16th century


In March 21 from

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Entrevista exclusiva a y sobre su novela gráfica el inicio de una interesante trilogía que se centra en la turbulenta historia de la Reforma de Europa en el siglo XVI


A la venta el 21 de marzo por

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reformatting this post a bit but, i'm going to be opening these to mutuals--either kofi bean pods or headshots, beans are $48 and headshots are $30 👐 if you would like to help out, i would really appreciate it!

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Drew concept art of a soul plushie awhile ago! Forgot to post it ever since I reformatted my computer ^^;;

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An oldie but goodie.. my old .. sorry for the delay I had to reformat my pc and put all my old apps back... sigh. Gmorning friends

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voy a hablar de esta escena toda la semana, es que es mil veces mejor que el manga, la sonrisa y la cara de alivio de koko porque por fin vio a inupi después de meses pq estuvo en el reformatorio, es que es perfecto, nunca me cansaré de decirlo

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Ok pessoas, eu ainda nem se quer pisei na escola pq ainda está de reforma ou seja não tem aula mas...
Recebi uma porrada de atividades impressas que nem se quer vi o conteúdo na vida, e foram muitas de uma vez, pode ser que eu acabe deixando uns desenhos de lado aqui no twitter +

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I'm working on a complete rework of the comic pages so far.
I was not satisfied with the look and quality of the art, so I decided to redraw and reformat it.

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So this was a birthday gift for a friend since I can't fucking draw the damn Tyrant, I may as well reformat Sigma into Beast Wars' Megatron!

And yes I did rip off King Gojules' head from Slashman's stage to make this

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It's 35 years this month since I started work on the C64 Last Ninja 2 music. 🥷🎵
To celebrate I've put an auto 35% discount on all orders from https://t.co/lTqVG4DZsQ from now until midnight on 28th Feb.
That's on any Reformation CD/Vinyl/Downloads/Merch

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El 27 de octubre de 1553, Miguel Servet, teólogo reformista y médico español, descubridor de la circulación sanguínea pulmonar, fue quemado vivo junto a sus libros en Champel, extramuros de Ginebra, acusado de hereje por Juan Calvino, reformador protestante.

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Nikolaos Copernicus (19 February 1473 – 24 May 1543) was a Renaissance- and Reformation-era mathematician and astronomer. «Αστρονόμος Κοπέρνικος: Συνομιλία με τον Θεό», ζωγραφικός πίνακας του Jan Matejko (June 24– November 1, 1893) was a Polish painter

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