Claire and Moira☺️ Revelations2

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Barry's a close friend of Chris and Jill since before STARS times:his email to Chris available in shows how much Barry cares of them.
He writes about Kijuju and he advices to them to take some rest

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Many thanks to for a wonderful time in Raid Mode! 🥰
I will upload a few more screenshots of Claire & Hunk's adventures before we switch to a different RE game soon 😜💕

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Have and I made these two an iconic Raid Mode team yet or what?! 😁👍
(once again, I wish this game had a photo mode... catching cool moments or both characters' faces is not easy 😅)

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Claire and Moira😊 Revelations2

75 309

: Pic by kr0npr1nz: Moira 🔦 You can support me and get access for…

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I have been playing combat my and it seems to be working.

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