画質 高画質


10 123

Been playing some Sonic Riders and wanted to sketch some stuff

7 57

ムーンライダーズ (moooonriders)のメンバーをモノトーンで描くシリーズ。ようやく4人。ばんちょは似なかったので描き直す。

8 83

new 3D sonic main

Jet set radio 2

Sonic Riders 3 (yes this game series is fun) https://t.co/JupvWGlmh0

1 2


20 88

Tried the sonic riders art style again.

26 129

Introducing a new gobbo: Quinn, Leader of the Bolt Riders!

Ruthless and wielding a powerful lightning rifle, Quinn commands a platoon of loyal sky pirates.

796 5272

なんてことない日常のα Stridersです

13 24


33 103

A few concept art sketches of characters riding giant crabs

The crabs are forced into this role & they will take any chance they get to remove their riders

So the riders have to bind their claws & stay in low positions until their crab has been subjugated

A risky job

0 9

♀Striders 姉妹百合

12 35