"Reynolds built an incredible set for the opening of the Ark, and we filmed the long shots there. Then I went with him choosing certain parts of the set and sent then to ILM in Marin County, where we had to film the first shots, with local extras playing Nazis."
R. Eldund.

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It was attached a map showing the Crew boat loading point, the submarine bunker and the Production office in hangar 3 to the lists of scenes and actors in Port de la Pallice, La Rochelle. Some extras complained that it doesn't place the WC spot and the pick-up van 🤣.

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Apparently, several of the sequences filmed aboard the Bantu Wind were improvised "along the day". Let's say, Spielberg's last minute ideas. Like the soldier throwing the butt inside the ventilation shaft, or the crew cheering Indy when he gets on the submarine.

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The first day the production team arrived at La Rochele, it was raining and the Atlantic seemed uninvited. It was impossible to film anything. Same happened and the second day. The third day the sea had calmed down and they managed to shoot through all day.

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The second unit began shooting the truck chase a week before the production moved to Tunisia, so they were well into it when Spielberg arrived at Nefta. He directed all the shots involving Ford. Mickey Moore did everything involving wider shots using doubles.

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Micky Moore, here with his assistant director Carlos Gil, had the responsibility of filming one of the most chilling scenes of the entire movie: they had to put Indy under a truck at full speed. Only a mistake and Indy would have lost his Fedora.
No blue screen, guys!!

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Although the producer Gary Kurtz did not have a direct relation with Raiders, but a close friendship with almost all the cast and crew located in Tunisia, he did not want to miss the explosion of the Flying Wing. He took some great pictures of the last day in Tozeur.

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During the scene of the fight with Pat Roach, Harrison Ford got injured when he hit with his knee on the moving wheel of the flying wing. Fortunately, the accident did not have severe consequences for the actor, and he could even go on with his scenes in Tunisia.

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... But Marshall had to spend five days in the cockpit, with his helmet on, under a scorching sun, following Spielberg instructions. To save time, during the cuts, he did not get off the plane. Someone came up there with an umbrella and some SAFE bottle of water.

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And it was time to shoot the flying wing scene. Due to the weather conditions and the setback with the bottled water, the film staff was very poor and the producer Frank Marshall himself offered to play the pilot on board. Apparently, it had to be a fast sequence...

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As Patrick Deudon recalls, Flying Wing had four motors in Rob Cobbs and Joe Johnston early concept drawings. Before the filming began, the accounting department noticed that the film's budget was extremely high. Two engines cheapened the production a million dollars.

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Did you ever notice that the villager in the deleted scene of the escape from the catacombs is the same guy who held the sun umbrella of John Rhys Davies in the scene where he was almost shot, and was also deleted?

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We were there, in the middle of the set, and Steven kept telling me that snakes were not dangerous, that I shouldn't be afraid of them. And I kept thinking to myself "Why can not I wear pants and thick boots, instead of Harrison? Let him wear this stupid dress!
Karen Allen

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I'm sure, Tanis never knew a so dark and terrifing night sky ever.
ILM Technician Gary Platek, besides legend Richard Edlund, doing some magic for the opening of the map room. Spielberg decided they need the same effect we previously admired in Close Encounters. Awesome.

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The sequence of the Marhala Bar was filmed entirely on the very location in Kairouan. The owner of the current carpet shop charges you even for a look inside the store, if you show up with a Fedora.
Want to know the very spot?

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"The scene in the canteen was very emotional. Steven had rewritten the scene only a few days before, and made it much more powerful by eliminating much of the unnecessary background dialogue and finding the rhythm, so it was reduced to its essential elements."
Karen Allen.

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Marion Ravenwood's "Raven", in my opinion, one of the most beautiful Raiders sets built in Elstree Studios. Michael Pangrazio did also a wonderful matte painting to show us the inhospitable location of the Nepali slum. And Glenn Randall taught us how to punch!

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It would have been a temerity to film Reggie aboard Jock's seaplane, no matter how much backbone they had. so that the sequence with the snake in the cockpit was filmed in dry dock,at the small airport of Long Beach, with producer Frank Marshall playing Indy.

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