A small sampling of the incredible artwork from the graphic novel, "The Making of A Farewell to Kings! We discuss the book, and all things with Founder and Creative Director, David Calcano! We hope you'll join us,

16 76

Monday on the , we speak to the creative mind behind , David Calcano! Much of his work is associated with . Subscribe today on you favorite podcast app, and you'll have the episode first thing tomorrow!

34 155

I set the wheels in motion
Turn up all the machines
Activate the programs
And run behind the scene

I set the clouds in motion
Turn up light and sound
Activate the window
Watch the world go ‘round...

Happy Triumvirate Thursday 🌟#Rushfamily

32 146

"A tired mind become a shape-shifter
Everybody need a mood lifter
Everybody need reverse polarity."
On this week's we break down the brilliant lyrics of the final track on 's Vital Signs! We hope you can join us,

12 108

Yet my eyes are drawn toward
The mountain in the East
Fascinates and captivates
Gives my heart no peace
The mountain holds the sunrise
In the prison of the night
‘Til bursting forth from rocky chains...

Good evening

17 134

Out of the Cradle
It’s a hand
That rocks the cradle
It’s a motion
That swings the sky
It’s method on the edge of madness
It’s a balance on the edge of a knife
It’s a smile on the edge of sadness
It’s a dance on the edge of life

Endlessly r o c k i n g

6 25

The menace threatens, closing
And I’m frozen in the shadows
I’m not prepared to run away
And I’m not prepared to fight
I can’t stand to reason
Or surrender to a reflex
I will trust my instincts
Or surrender to my fright

Sometimes I freeze

7 46

Floating high
In the evening sky
I see my faint reflection
Pale facsimile
Like what others see
When they look in my direction

Reflected light
To another’s sight
And the moon tells a lover’s story

9 35

Cut To The Chase
You may be right
It’s all a waste of time
I guess that’s just a chance for I’m prepared to take
A danger I’m prepared to face
Cut To The Chase
What kind of difference can one person make?...💖

Good morning

31 161

On certain nights
When the angles are right
And the moon is a slender crescent
Its circle shows
In a ghostly glow
Of earthly luminescence
A beacon in the night
I can raise my eyes to

7 41

I’m not giving in to
Security under pressure
I’m not missing out on the
Promise of adventure
I’m not giving up on
Implausible dreams
Experience to extremes
Experience to extremes...🐰

Happy Lifeson Day 🌷🐣❤️

31 182

Secret Touch
Out of sync
With the rhythm of my own reactions
With the things that last
And the things that come apart
Out of sync
With love in the land of the living
A gentle hand, a secret touch on the heart

A healing hand, a secret touch on the heart

9 38

Driven in...Driven to the edge
Driven out...On the thin end of the wedge
Driven off...By things I’ve never seen
Driven on...By the road to somewhere I’ve never been
But it’s my turn to drive
But it’s my turn to drive 🚘

Good evening

24 128

Vapor Trails
Stratospheric traces of our transitory flight
Trails of condensation held
in narrow bands of white
The sun is turning black
The world is turning gray
All the stars fade from the night
The oceans drain away

5 35

How it Is
Here’s a little trap
That sometimes catches everyone
When today’s as far as we can see
Faith in bright tomorrows
giving way to resignation
That’s how it is – how it’s going to be

It’s such a cloudy day
Seems we’ll never see the sun

7 35

The Stars Look Down
Like the fly on the wheel, who says
“What a lot of dust we’re raising”
Are you under the illusion
That you’re part of this scheme?
Seems like a lifetime ago
You could look with pride
On your world of dreams

10 44

Sundogs Fire on the horizon
Meteor rain stars across the night
This moment may be brief
But it can be so bright

Hope is epidemic
Optimism spreads
Bitterness breeds irritation
Ignorance breeds imitation

Good morning
Stay safe ❤️

31 170

It’s a Far Cry from the world we thought we’d inherit
It’s a Far Cry from the way we thought we’d share it
You can almost feel the current flowing
You can almost see the circuits blowing...

Good morning and stay safe ♥️#Rushfamily

43 250

One Little Victory
A certain measure of righteousness
A certain amount of force
A certain degree of determination
Daring on a different course
A certain amount of resistance
To the forces of the light and love
A certain measure of tolerance...

7 39

Good News First
Some would say they never fear a thing
Well I do
And I’m afraid enough for both of us –
For me and you
Time, if nothing else, will do its worst
So do me that favor
And tell me the good news first

7 38