A snippet of Eliza lore~
She was a menace to the Rustbolt Resistance for some time on Mechagon island..

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I found rustbolt in the junkyard 😳 soo framing this on my bedroom wall

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i was gonna submit rustbolt to the "ur fave has a wap" account but they tweeted abt feeling overwhelmed so I just did it myself
WAP flags by , this was a mistake /lh

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//lisa: go away
rustbolt: ok *phases out of existence*

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//au where zombie chicken and rustbolt r a princess and the frog sorta situation 😳

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rustbolt out of da suit, what will he wear?

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i have a deep and complicated headcanon of how rustbolt looks out of his suit that i don't wanna explain publicly but if ur interested dm me👀
anyways him

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//idk what to tweet, so hug time! reply with a pic of a character (ur muse, sona, oc, etc) n ill doodle rustbolt givin' them a hug :3 pls note that i do have a lot of things going on in my life rn so while these doodles wont be a priority, rest assured they will get done!!!

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//raegan when she has nothing funny to post be like: aight time to spend an hour on a drawing of rustbolt and hope that suffices as a Good Tweet (TM)

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If Rustbolt wore gloves, would they look like this? Or this?

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