want more? we have sonic heroes! it's a more divisive game and let's be real it gets repetitive, but it does sort of continue the story from SA2, has plenty of playable characters, and lets you play as three characters at once!

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Haha, that’s because I based his design on the Super Sonic from that era, which was pretty much what Shadow’s model used as a base. :) Here’s official art from Sonic Shuffle that I used as a reference. And if you look at his model in SA2, it’s basically the same as Shadow’s.

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This image crossed my mind just now

I think either Shadow should've stayed dead in SA2, or, have the same characterization he had in 06 where he worked for GUN. Either of those would've been effective towards the present

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Udah hampir 2 bulan nggak ada mood buat gambar. Beneran yang buat bikin garis aja nggak bisa2, makanya nggak pernah upload gambar dll :((

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The Super transformation (Specifically Super Grade 1, the Super form that appears in SA1, SA2, Sonic Shuffle, Sonic Riders, and Sonic Riders Zero Gravity) is and always will be my favorite transformation in the series.

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5. Favorite Sonic games is easy

Top favorites pictured

Honorable mentions to Chronicles, SA2, Sonic 4 Ep2, Secret Rings, Advance 1, and Sega Superstars Tennis

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10. SA2, hands down. It's stylish, it conveys the Light Vs. Dark theme perfectly, the composition is really good, great stuff all around.

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Mine is super hard, as SA2, Golden Sun, FFX and Jak and Daxter are all amazing. But I had to pick this.

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I really like the purple-ish shade that shadow had in sa2, so I tried to get that shade of purple in this picture! I love this pose btw

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I saw and it got me thinking. I don’t know if bringing him back will change anything, but hey, he wrote the for stories of SA2, Heroes, The Black Knight, Riders Zero Gravity, and Sonic 06, and I'd rather have "shounen" Sonic characters back than what we have now.

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Shiro Maekawa is an incredible story writer, and he wrote one of the best stories in all of gaming, that being SA2, with Heroes, parts of 06, and Black Knight being great follow ups. Please consider bringing him back to write for the future of sonic sega.

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Been playing in the Chao Garden a lot lately in SA2, so combining that mood into me wanting to animate more produced this
Animation is something I would like to get better at, so feedback would really be appreciated!

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My absolute fave is SA2, second is Mania/ CD, third is Sonic Unleashed and then fourth is Sonic Riders series zero gravity being my fave out of the ones Iv'e played (haven't played free riders only played the first riders and then zero.) https://t.co/V3UDnKxUgb

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My favourite.... Gamma. MUCH better controls than the mechs in SA2, Gamma is actually nice to control! His story is so well done, especially for this game's time. I appreciate this character so much. His levels make good use of his abilities, too. My favourite story by far.

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here’s my ill always be in the camp of Kazooie > Tooie, SA1 > SA2, and Kirby > Literally anything 😎

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So Shadow dies in SA2, right?

💛Retweets very appreciated💛

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Menyesali masa lalu, menginginkan hal2 yg tak dimiliki, tergesa2, paranoid, luka batin, cacat mental, cepirit, file corrupt, semua itu membuat saya kurang bahagia. Kalian depresi? Sama

Tapi, mari duduk santai sejenak menikmati apa yang bisa dinikmati. Toh udah terlanjur idup ini

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Jangan lari daripada tanggungjawab,
Jangan lari daripada amanah,
Lebih daripada itu, jangan lari jauh daripada Allah…

Sejauh mana pun kita lari, tetap akan ditanya juga nanti.
Maka usahlah tergesa2, ambil sedikit masa.
Duduklah sebentar, kita bertenang & muhasabah seketika.

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