Learning how to actually fight is killing me 😂😂. When I look back at these early Goblins of Razard panels I'm like at least he has thigh protection! but like why you no wearing a helmet?? Anyways... we are just going to go with.. its Fantasy™

0 6


13 146

Ayoo Daredevil vs Nightwing

(Red King and Blue King)

Art by Filipe_sca through instagram

83 448

The Deal 1/1 by new artist in the town and SCA holder

Link : https://t.co/BqjtiXafQY

Only for 0.01 ETH 👀👀👀

3 10

Two views of TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA: severe pain seen in patients and the operative findings of SCA (artery) compressing upon the trigeminal nerve.

34 136

「喰い殺すぞ」が口癖の物騒なセコムくんでそ🌝なんかいろいろ事前組んでます∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

2 4



9 91

Es una obra con cierta profundidad filosófica que te dejará pensando en varias cosas de la vida al terminarla.

Ojalá salga pronto la traducción completa al español de Sakura no Uta, otra obra del mismo escritor (SCA-JI) y que a mi parecer es todavía mejor.

0 3

Damn SCA-DI made Chika before she even existed

1 12

Collected 'Wars Inside You' by 😍
Thanks for suggesting this beautiful piece of work in my shill thread ! Absolutely Love it !

2 15

人懐こくないしじゃれないし人に嘘吹き込んで楽しんでるクズ(∪^ω^) わんわんお!

2 5

ケロQのSCA自社長()の自画像のファンアートを描きました。 大感動する凄いシナリオ書けて、めっちゃ可愛い女の子や原画も描けて、さらに社長業もこなす超スーパーすげェお方です。

9 16

So even though I've been absent from the digital world, I've been busy in the real world (ha! Is the SCA the real world?!). I've been illuminating scrolls. Here are a few that I recently did!

0 8

A F T E R L I F E //👁️
Available Now !!! ⚡️
Accepting Highest offer within 24hrs!

Starting Bid : 0.1 wETH

Link : https://t.co/UjYovSueLB

23 51

A F T E R L I F E // 👁️
Soon will be available as SCA Edition 3 Token 👁️

32 107

妙な趣味(?)を持っている怪物お兄さんです。比較的話が通じるクズです。クセはそこまで強くない(はず)ですのでよろしくな✌( ՞ټ՞)✌

3 6