there, a picture of Blythe that isn't a messy bust or him playing dress up u_u

5 24


It's the elusive 6th member of the group whom I was waiting to evolve before drawing! Momma Dragapult!

Absolute Treasure, mother to the team, and to her two little Dreepy kids, Tip and Top.

She loves Crag, and they love her back. They're great parents to the team!

21 115

...Listen, I couldn't help myself :'Y

210 843

Look, I see a dumb dragon boy, I fall in love, it’s that simple 😂

1 13

It's Flash! She's not a Cinderace yet but I'm looking forward to when she becomes one!

2 12

oh yeah. This is def in my top 4 favorite evo lines

45 111

Heckle evolved in-game yesterday and I was.... Not super thrilled with the outcome... So I'm like "Fuck it. Here's how *I* am going to draw rillaboom."

Heckle keeps her tail.

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