Man könnte aber auch Transmenschen, Transsexuelle, also die lieben.

Nächstenliebe ist wichtig!

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Entgegengesetzt dem Wesen von Joanne K. Rowling, würde ihr viel besser stehen. Wir Transmenschen nicht nette Leute. 😍 Das Selbstbestimmungsgesetz ist ein wichtiger und richtiger Schritt, wert zu unterstützen.

Nächstenliebe ist wichtig!

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Der Vampir Bin und der Wolfsmensch Lok verlieben sich ineinander, doch ihre Liebe wird durch Anfeindungen ihrer Umgebung auf den Prüfstein gelegt.

✔️<Blood Link> :
🔊 10% Payback und für nur 20 Coins lesen‼️

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i may have a thing for swordsmens idk..

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Here's a redraw from the Fanfic Lieblingsmensch on Ao3, I LOVE IT SO MUCH THEY'RE WORK AND WRITING ITS SO GOOD AND PERFECT, GO GIVE THEM LOVE😭💕💕

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die obercute hatte geburtstag und weil ich es nicht geschafft hatte was anzufertigen q.q (tut mir nochmal megaa leid) durfte sie zu erst als testkanninchen für das Bild für die Geburtstagsmenschis dienen. ♥

Danke Apfelchen für Alles ♥♥

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No.30 love 🖤🤍❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Baxter & Noc = Freunde für immer ♾

„Lieblingsmenschen sind die, die deine Hand nehmen, aber eigentlich dein Herz berühren!“

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Twitter auf, kurz das Würgen bekommen, beschließen nicht weiter zu lesen, das hier lassen und euch einen piekfeinen Freitag wünschen 🥰

PS. Ich bin ein Scheissmensch und arbeite dran. *Mit Diener Hut ziehen* Damit hab ich genug viel zu tun, um anderer Leute Kram zu kehren.

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Psmen 25: Reigo Vasquez (Chapter 3)

-Read from left to right-

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It was designed in early 1994 and honestly, vector "craftsmenship" was still in its' infancy really... some of the traps leave a bit to be desired as well. LOL.

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365. "Highness, what are your plans in the near future?" Rebecca asks.

"I will go on honeymoon with Tamadun for a month... and, after that, we will reassume our roles of political leaders, the firsts ones who are gonna rule Asmens and Lanun at the same time".

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354. Helen speaks about different and nice places she had visited previously on Asmens: gold beaches with limpid waters, generous olive groves, humble but generous villages, rivers with ingenious waterwheels and beautiful bridges, forests full of apple and chestnut trees...

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342. So Helen sits beside Rebecca and hugs her lover, delicately.

"You did great, Rebecca!" Helen says, softly. "Thanks to your courage, you have saved a lot of people tonight. Asmens and Lanun are in debt to you: you have helped both decisively. You are a heroine".

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339. Helen is tempted to kill this beast in human disguise by maintaining the strangulation. After all, he killed and tormented so many asmensians in the past...

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262. "That's the spirit, girl" Alonso congratulates her.

"Me and Asmens won't forget such a sacrifice" Beatrice expounds.

Rebecca's mouth doesn't say anything, but her eyes are revealing enough.

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244. "Rebecca, maybe you aren't so aware, but..." Helen marks. "... head shaved women are not usual in Asmens and Lanun".

"Indeed, they are pretty uncommon and exotic" Alonso confirms.

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239. "Well, as you know, I interviewed many veterans from the Asmens-Lanun wars for my epopee.

Some of them were Ofidio's war prisoners and... six of them commented the same thing about him: he has a... What was the word they used? Ah, I remember now: kinks".

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189. "Brother, you are a monster!"

"No. I want to avenge our father" Ofidio explains furiously. "Maybe do you forget that Alan's army killed him in Moonhill?!"

"But just because he personally attacked Asmens in an unfair and avaricious raid...!"

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