Just completed a new panel of "The Real Superheroines of Hive Valley," featuring Sheena, Queen of the Jungle and Fantomah. (https://t.co/h5MIjVD69l)

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Advanced pigtail pulling | Grrl Power – Don’t tug on Maxima’s hair… https://t.co/GC7OzGBHQy

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Still working on these mutual OC sketches!

The latest installment was a character from my buddy 's roster of sexy superheroines, Bear Girl. Who's got the honey?!


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Maxima has had it up to here (gestures about eyebrow high) with these supervillains |
Grrl Power – Battle (un)dress

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Bad guys being bad, good guys being good
Grrl Power – Villain shaming

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Enjoy this misleading thumbnail!
Grrl Power – Phenomenal Cosmic Roll of the Dice

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A new panel of "The Real Superheroines of Hive Valley" American Girls

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Varia knows all the super power tricks because she has all the super powers.
Grrl Power – How to survive a 1,770 mile fall https://t.co/ilaQL0IxNJ

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Hold my hand and run away with me. Cause if you don't hold my hand I won't weigh enough to rip these bars out of the wall.
Grrl Power – The grate escape

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My new favorite nonomatopoeia | Grrl Power – Boston express

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Varia knows what it feels like to be nearly every solid-at-room-temperature element. And a few of the liquid ones | Grrl Power – Now you’re… looking at portals? https://t.co/4o5apxnCRe

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A new panel of "The Real Superheroines of Hive Valley," American Girls

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Invisible Scarlet O'Neil debuted in the Chicago Times on June 3, 1940. She has the claim to fame of being one of the very first superheroines. Her invisibility power became less important as time wore on, and was eventually dropped altogether.

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Harem, unsurprisingly, is good with makeup | Grrl Power – Operation White Chicks https://t.co/o7QlT1OYXk

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Miss Victory Vs Liberty Belle over at "The Real Superheroines of Hive Valley" https://t.co/h5MIjVCyjN

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Superhero proofing your evil lair is tough | Grrl Power – Whatever’s the opposite of greased lightning https://t.co/6JXW0cYq8C

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