Já em Dragon Ball Legends, temos o Shallot, que foi criado por Toriyama para o jogo. Shallot é um Saiyajin Ancestral que viveu nos primórdios da era saiyajin, ainda no planeta Sadala. O seu uniforme é o que seria o mais fiel pra mim e é feito de algum tipo de couro.

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My Sadala Queen Salara drawn by she came out amazingly good

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From a timid child to the most cockiest woman you’ll ever meet
Growing up in the ancient saiyan times
She lost everything due to an unfortunate circumstance within the sadala civil war
From thievin & being a menace to helpin okora and continuing her adventures with his aid

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Sadala military is very aware of this and has weaponized it. Going as far as to not teach their military ki controll. However like the ozaru transformation most saiyans are advised to only use it as a last resort

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These two, 2,4-D and Radisha, are both descendants of a Saiyan populace from U7’s Sadala, who left in a mass exodus after Yamoshi’s demise.

These Saiyans were kept in secret from the Planet Trade Organization for generations, kept generally secret until after Cell’s death.

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A recently finished piece for featuring their OC Qhayota Sadalasa in her super Saiyan form 🔥🔥🔥

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wife of sadala saiyan konjaku desdemona of dragon quest heroes 2

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Qhayota Sadalasa is Vegeta's distant cousin from a minor branch of the royal family. As a low-class Saiyan she was a explorer for resources along with Paragus. Nearly dying they shared a intimate moment resulting in her twins Broly & Kale. Later she falls in love with Yamcha

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Qhayota Sadalasa is Vegeta's distant cousin from a minor branch of the royal family. As a low-class Saiyan she was a explorer for resources along with Paragus. Nearly dying they shared a intimate moment resulting in her twins Broly & Kale. Later she falls in love with Yamcha😁

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Alexia is a Hybrid, a fruit of a Saiyan Mother from Sadala, and a human father in West City. She got a twin brother, who is pledged his allegiance to Frieza, and they are constantly fighting.

Currently try to control her newly resurfaced God ki under the tutelage of Whis.

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bareisho elder brother to jagai and konjaku and elite captian of the sadala defense force

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(OC) Concept art!

1. Cell Saga style sadala battle suit.
2. DBS Freeza Force style battle armor.

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Jikan deciding that she wants to take a break from Conton City and the Time Patrol, teleports to Planet Sadala and looks around, over looking some kind of village.

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The royal guard of Sadala, Kefla. King Sadala’s royal guards Kale and Caulifla had trained under the Supreme Kai prior to the war against Lord Frost’s army

In an effort to protect the planet, they fused, now stuck like this while helping Cabba adjust to kinghood.

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Kolard went from the regular Sadala Armor with ripped sleeves to some upgrades before relaxing in some Kaioshin Robes.

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The master of Kaioken! Axio Hamada, a Saiyan born on the universe 7's planet Sadala which was destroyed eon's ago, he now fight on earth to protect his new family and to honor his mentor, and friend who sacrificed himself eon's ago
(I'll send the full origin of him in the replys)

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More Sadala Tato

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