Sandra Boynton: September 13 was Grandparents Day! Give them each an appreciative hug.

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From Sandra Boynton on August 25: National Banana Split Day. You know what you must do.

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Sandra Boynton: August 22 is National Tooth Fairy Day. It's not an easy job she has.

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Sandra Boynton: August 8: Happiness Happens Day. I hope it happens to happen for you all.

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Sandra Boynton: In brief: Happy Underwear Day.

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Sandra Boynton: August 3 is Watermelon Day. It's a happy food.

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Sandra Boynton: July 31 is Mutt Day. The perfect dog is the one you have.

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Sandra Boynton: July 27 is Take Your Pants For a Walk Day...

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Sandra Boynton: July 15 was National Give Something Away Day.

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Sandra Boynton: July 6 is International Kissing Day. Rubbing noses definitely counts.

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Sandra Boynton: June 20. International Surfing Day. Whoo hoo!

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Sandra Boynton (June 15): It's National Smile Power Day. Get out there and dazzle them.

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June 12 is Red Rose Day. Captivate your sweetheart with a single rose and your devastating charm.

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Sandra Boynton: June 8 is Best Friends Day. May you be lucky enough to spend time with each other...

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Sandra Boynton: The frogs are SO loud this year.

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Sandra Boynton: April 10 is Siblings Day. May you be lucky enough to celebrate it side by side.

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Sandra Boynton: Happy Easter!

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Sandra Boynton: Happy Passover!

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Sandra Boynton: International Puppy Day! OOO!

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Sandra Boynton's Famous Barnyard Composers

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