Fast Castle did reconstruction in 1987 followed corbel machicolations along as I thought it was a Hall block. But changed this when I found (in ruin painting) it led to part of a Keep which makes alot more defensive sense. So tweaked reconstruction.

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English earth and timber fort at Haddington in 1549 around Donjon Keep reconstruction suggestion within medieval Town walls.

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King James II of Scots killed by his own cannon during the siege of Roxburgh Castle in 1460.

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Dunbar Castle, East Lothian (Scotland) watercolour reconstruction suggestions from mid 1980's. Castle defended by Black Agnes in 1338.

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Fast Castle, Borders (Scotland) watercolour reconstruction suggestion from 1987. Changed it when I found Hall machicolations led to a Keep which makes more defensive sense.

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Florence Pugh in Cage at Blackness Castle for filming of . King Robert The Bruce's Sister Mary was held in a cage like this at Roxburgh Castle and so too was Isabella MacDuff, Countess of Buchan at South Berwick Castle.

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Four East Lothian Castles watercolour reconstruction suggestions. Dirleton (Halyburton), Hailes (Hepburn), Tantallon (Douglas) and Dunbar (Dunbar family).#ScottishCastles

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Hailes Castle, East Lothian (Scotland) watercolour reconstructions. A Hepburn family stronghold. The Hepburns saved the Douglas banner at the battle of Otterburn in 1388.

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Bucholie/Bucholly Castle, Caithness (Scotland) layout sketch, watercolour reconstruction suggestion from 1999 and Paint version. Site held by Mowat and Sinclair families.

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favourite residence of Sir Alexander Seton, Lord Chancellor of in early 17thC. No remains left, associated demolished 1965 during building of Maps courtesy of

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