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Next stream, we will be coloring the character sheet! I can talk on stream again even though I'm still coughing.
Not sure how long it will last but hopefully I'll be able to use my voice fully soon. Otsupan!😷🥖

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Reference sheet commission artwork!🐶

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Thanks to my own stumbling about and help from chat, much progress was made this week!
I've got to finalize some details before working on character sheets, but I think the most difficult work is behind us.
Enjoy this WIP glimpse of the twins for now!
Thanks for watching! https://t.co/BlFEAAFmM6

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Oji's character sheet 🐶🧡🤎🌇🎀🦑🌻

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Zona finally has a character sheet, drew it a while back thought heck why not ya'll get to see her killer kicks too

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art! Halo aku mau commis untuk art knee up utk couple dengan referensi mirip2 ini, kalau bisa yg lg gak ada antrian dan terima deadline mid may (18-20an), boleh drop commsheetnya di replies ya, terima kasih

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Character sheet for ! 👓
Thank you for trusting my work and commissioning me.
Looking forward to work with you again! 🥖✨

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i decided to put together proper reference sheets for all of my ocs! starting with this familiar friend 🍃🥞🖤

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and here are some character design/character sheet commissions i've also finished so far this year!

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Artist! Yg open komis chibi full body drop commiss sheet nya doooong... sender mawww komissss

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Lyu's character sheet 😀

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Haiii artist! Sender Mau komiss gambar kayak ginii boleh drop comsheetnya yaa 😋☝ Art credit: saeiiyeun

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Lyu's charasheet be almost done, only need to redraw her main sprite now cuz the old one is......old, and had many proportion issues that were only fixed in later versions😗

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Guyss mau nanya, kalo bikin art! stiker dg style simple gini kira2 bakal ada yg tertarik ga ya? Dan mending dibikin stiker satuan atau sticker sheet yaa? Makasih banyak!!

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