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This piece is fitting today, on the 4th of May, where met his nemesis, near the One day I'll do more art of this iconic scene.

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I was experimenting with colours, and I really have a thing for cyan, pink and yellow. I didn't end up using it on this piece, but perhaps on another one in the future! 🙏

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A commission for the wonderful and super-talented , of my two favourite boys, and I always love drawing them like this, can't help it. Thank you for the commission, appreciate you! 🙏

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What's this? The 8th card? Indeed it is, and it's of one of my favourite stories. I tried to evoke Holmes' inner dread when is shot by James Winter. Glad to be back, now it's only 2 cards left!

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"I had no thoughts at all, only an overwhelming desire not to feel anything ever again." Brief Encounter (Lean, 1945)

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The seventh card is finished! It was great finally drawing a classic and to be able to draw this iconic scene. Now there's only three cards left! 🕵️‍♂️🙏

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Commission for , and it's of and from the Mary Russell series of books! I really enjoyed doing this piece, and thank you again for the trust!

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Here's the fifth card, "The Sign of the Four"! Happy how it turned out, and really enjoyed drawing Now I'm half-way in my card making and will take the weekend off! 🕵️‍♂️🙌

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The third card is finished (wow, quick), and I really like the atmosphere and lighting, and I think it's a fitting moment from one of my favourite stories! 🕵️‍♂️

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My scanner is working again, so here's a traditionally done piece of The Great Detective: "Ennui" (2020).

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The first card is finished! I really like how it ended up, and I'm looking forward to finishing up the rest! Keep a look out for more! 🕵️‍♂️

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Since the cards are going to take a while, I wanted to post some art I didn't finish and some concept art: a wip of soldier and 70s Holmes. 🕵️‍♂️

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The evolution of my interpretation of since 2018-2019. Like the characters themselves they change over time, just as my evolution as an artist. It'll be fun to see where he'll end up! 🕵️‍♂️

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