In the teenage version,Ritsuka and Hiiragi looked in the distance while only Mafuyu and Shizusumi looked at them,as both couples had to deal with Yuki's past to move forward,and now they are finally looking in the same direction walking toward their future together

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Shizusumi and Hiiragi have been all their life together,never letting go of each other's hand since the kindergarten,they met when they were small kids of 4 years old and became handsome adults of 26/27 years old,the love story between a foster child and a gold boy

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kageyama e uenoyama sao o mesmo personagem
mas o akaashi eh igualzinho o shizusumi tbm
ate a msm personalidade, e dinamica com o bokuto eh parecida com a dinamica com o hiiragi

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The OAV should start with the festival and Mafuyu and Hiiragi waiting both for Ritsuka and Shizusumi in yukata,they will talk about music,and then when Hiiragi will see Ritsuka from afar he will look at him suspiciously but Mafuyu will defend his boyfriend proudly

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Next chapter 43 will be 30 September.
Mafuyu lost his voice because he is frozen in the painful winter Yuki died,fearing Ritsuka will leave him alone for music too,he needs his sunny warmth,and after Shizusumi's words,Ritsuka will come to wrap him with his love

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These tiny kids hands when Hiiragi gave his golden paper to Shizusumi,bringing light to his life as well,years later Shizu was holding delicately those same hands as his most precious treasure,forever feeling the beautiful gold shining through them under his palms

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All those times Shizusumi watched silently Hiiragi having a baby tantrum because he lost to a game or being frustrated looking at Mafuyu and Yuki,wondering what he could do to calm him,and then he understood that he just needed to hold him in his arms to soothe him

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Shizusumi is so used to see Hiiragi hold back how much he is truly tired and sad,always giving everything of himself and worrying for the others,than when he finally lets go of his emotional exhaustion,Shizu is always here to make him rest peacefully as he needs it

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The cover is linked to this panel,Hiiragi smiling brightly at Shizusumi,taking his hand to go play on the wild grass,Shizusumi all eyes on him following him like the moon needs the sun,Hiiragi was happy that despite all his broken parts,Shizu wanted to be with him.

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This cute scene,Hiiragi was really struggling at first to let go of his precious gold paper,he rushed so fast to have one since there were so few,it was such a beautiful treasure at this young age,but making Shizusumi smile was more important than his own enjoyment

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The first time Hiiragi took Shizusumi's hand was to play with him running into the vast world,he kept holding it for them to never lose each other into this wide world,then Shizu took Hiiragi's hand to show him he will always be there and that he was his only world

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Shizusumi is Hiiragi's moon🌕,Hiiragi is Shizu's star🌟,Hiiragi's gold paper was shining over Shizu's black paper,like a shooting star in the night,the 1000 origami cranes legend makes 1 wish come true,they wished secretly upon a starry night to be forever together

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Each couple has his precious element,for Ritsuka/Mafuyu the Cicada,symbol of hope/renewal,for Akihiko/Haruki the Dragonfly,symbol of transformation/self realization,for Shizusumi/Hiiragi the Golden Origami,symbol of eternal love/loyalty
A good omen for their future

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Kid Hiiragi scolded Shizusumi because he knew he wanted a gold paper but didnt say it,and Shizu had Hiiragi in his eyes when taking it,and now Hiiragi is scolding Shizu the same for rejecting him while he knows he wants him,and Shizu has again Hiiragi in his eyes🌟

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Shizusumi and Hiiragi as kids are so cute,Shizu sadly looking at his black paper origami,dark like his life as a foster child,and Hiiragi angry not okay with it at all so giving him his gold paper,making Shizu smile for the first time,brightening his heart,PRECIOUS

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Hiiragi's artwork jacket is the same kind as the CAC so surely the one he'll wear for Yuki's song,he wore this style for the big shows,for the little ones he had a hoodie,this official is certainly their future live,with Hiiragi looking back intensely at Shizusumi

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