//=time() ?>
1-Red Dead Redemption 2
2-The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt
#TheFramedShare #artisticofsociety #RedDeadRedemption2 #ksnapshots #VirtualPhotography #Gametography #GamerGram #VPGUnit #TheFramedShare #TheCapturedCollective #ArtisticofSociety #ShotWithGeForce #TheWitcher3WildHunt
#HellbladeSenuasSacrifice /trees - click for fullsize/
#VGPunite #Gametography #innerstormmagazine #Ksnapshots #ThePhotoMode #ShotWithGeForce #VirtualForests #nvidia
The impeccable duo in #ResidentEvil3
*pls tap for full view
Cinematic tools by Frans Bouma. Carlos torso gears mod by Tzarev #RE3 #VirtualPhotography #ShotWithGeForce
#ModernWarfare @CallofDutyUK
#Shotwithgeforce Ansel + Reshade Directional DoF by https://t.co/yYm7gI2v3V
Empecemos el mes con estas increíbles tomas de #BattlefieldV de @leopardsang y vayamos a la batalla #ShotWithGeForce
‼️Vertical images, tap for the full view, please.‼️
Some variety for #WallpaperWednesday.
#VirtualPhotography #ControlRemedy #SocietyOfVirtualPhotographers #TheCapturedCollective #Gamergram #VGPUnite #ShotwithGeforce https://t.co/0Hpy12BB6g
Bye 2019 - these were my 4 favourite vertical shots.
💚Please click to see them fully.💚
#VirtualPhotography #RedDeadRedemption2 #AssassinscreedOdyssey #SOULCALIBURVI #TheWitcher3 #TheCapturedCollective #VGPUnite #ShotwithGeforce
⚠️ ‼️Click please to see the full picture ‼️⚠️
Allow me this early post for #WallpaperWednesday.
#TCCNightSky #VirtualPhotography #RedDeadRedemption2 #RDR2 #RDR2PC #TheCapturedCollective #VGPUnite #ShotwithGeforce
"Focus" // Soulcalibur VI
Ultra HD Link: https://t.co/xuThwwXASz
New photos set will come soon. Thanks to @somberness for his tool, and @NVIDIAGeForce for Ansel.
@soulcalibur @BandaiNamcoEU #VirtualPhotography #Soulcalibur #SOULCALIBURVI #ShotWithGeForce
PSA: the Spartan tagteam cutscene is much more impressive at night. #TCCDarkness
#VirtualPhotography #AssassinsCreedOdyssey #ACFinest #TheCapturedCollective #VGPUnite #ShotwithGeforce
Ardyn DLC Part 1 of #FinalFantasyXV #Gametography #VirtualPhotography #VGPUnite #shotwithgeforce
Finished my sixth playthrough of Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice today. I’d personally like to thank everyone over at @NinjaTheory for their contribution to this phenomenal work of art.
#SHOTWITHGEFORCE #VGPUnite #VirtualPhotography #Hellbalde #HellbaldeSenuasSacrifice
Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
@tombraider @EidosMontreal @CrystalDynamics #SHOTWITHGEFORCE #VGPUnite #VirtualPhotography #ShadowOfTheTombRaider #SotTR #TombRaider