«Sign language is the equal of speech, lending itself equally to the rigorous and the poetic, to philosophical analysis or to making love... The soul that escapes through their fingers is for them life itself».

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Proud & badass! We need more of these characters!

(Sept. 23rd, and Day)

¡Orgullosas y badass! ¡Necesitamos más personajes así!

(23 sept., día de la y de las

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this is how my first day of college went
(i'm majoring in asl)

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I have some more BSL sketches, but the one I've finished is "Love" in PJM (Polish Sign Language)

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I made this in advance and decided to just post it in Yohan's birthday. 😂
Happy birthday to our human teddy bear!

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Cuando piensas que di esta serie por perdida...
When you think I just abandoned this series...

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my sonas

they fight alot

well mainly eyes messes with goat alot

eyes likes glass

goat communicates through signlanguage

eyes 👁👁👁👁👁

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just some more drawings of Skoll. I wanted to do some sign language with him (hopefully i got it right) . this is a fan character base of the the Dog knights RPG made by

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I've done a previous strip that dealt with Jacks limb count as well...
( Please Retweet! ) --> https://t.co/ATf3350kjv <--
( )

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It’s from today. The hopes to bridge the gap between language and and our increasingly and hobby. If any of this speaks to you, please join our discord community.

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What do you think Luna is signing in this comic?
( Please Retweet! ) --> https://t.co/uz3Jh9fA7R
(#signlanguage )

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Ya quedan menos letras para acabar 😄
🌱 Tomar clases y aprender lo que no sabes
There are just a few letters left to end 😄
🌱 Taking classes and learning what you don't know


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2020 I started working as a Junior 3D-Animator for Sign-Time/Simax, a company that creates CGI Solutions for accessibility. In the spirit of the season, I drew an illustration of two Avas signing "Merry Christmas!"
Check us out under:

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🌱 Oír a la voz perfeccionista de mi cabeza pero no tomarme a pecho lo que dice + Hacer cosas que amo
🌱 Hear the perfectionist voice in my head but don't take it to heart + Do things I love

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Todavía tengo muchas cosas chachis por aprender 😁
🌱 No abusar del mezclador de color
I still have many cool things to learn 😁
🌱 Don't overuse the color mixing tool


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Happu birthday to Oh Gyoon!! (。’▽’。)♡

I'm in love of all the characters in the manhwa sign i couldn't help myself! Have a great day everyone

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