Smol teteh. Congrats for 100k and 2.0 brush up, teh!! 🎉

10 52

R : Ready Sis?
S : S-Should we really do this, Reine? *gulp*


41 442

Awalnya pengen buat 90K an teh siska tapi baru bisa post sekarang

Terinspirasi dari anime "Rimu from Meikyuu Black Company"

I commission to

5 61

Well hello. It's December, and yes "Padoru" art strike again.~~
I commissioned this from just to add "Siska Leontyne" Padoru art.
Happy December and hope this last month of the year will be nice to Teteh Siska and everyone. Can't wait for 2022

12 104

Siska back to school gaess *teteh siska habis makan cilok jadi bersihin sisa plaknya pakai jari hhe*

111 974

NIJISANJI ID merilis voice content baru dari Riksa Dhirendra, Siska Leontyne dan Derem Kado!

Cek di sini!

69 484

males gambar tangan hhe


24 242