In six words or fewer, write a story about this character.

0 6

Cupid's arrow struck my sleeping heart...

(prompt: about the nicest stranger you've met)

🖼️Cupid's arrow strikes: Wendy Townrow : Society6

3 11

Don't ask him about his wives..

(prompt: about opening a can of worms)

Illustration via Custom Writing Service

4 18

Write a or a about this picture.

Foggy brain
Like a winter forest
Tangled in roots,
Branches and weeds
Can’t think
My way through
With messed up
Thoughts of you

135 162

Write a or a about this picture.

The only person
I’m frightened of
Is myself
Because I never
Know what resides
Deep in my soul
And what will
Come out of my mouth

143 168

Last night had a feature where well-known folk told a Here’s mine: ‘grim year, still thankful and hopeful’ Let me know what yours is?

7 31

Write a or a about this picture.
Eyes shining bright
In the evening light
Dark hair
Soft smile
Voice filled with love
Made him dizzy
With delight
Everything else
Was dim
And no, it wasn’t
A mortal sin
It was an angel
With a message
To stay strong
And true

104 149

Write a or a about this picture.
Tara painted her face for Halloween.

Witches cackle
Casting spells
Spirits hover
Around cauldrons
Spiders feast on
Rotting corpses
Ghouls walk around streets
Knocking on doors
To trick or treat
Frightening everyone they meet

117 144

Write a or a about this picture.

Here are my attempts: She sat cross-legged and winced.
Muddy mind
Can’t see a thing
Thinking about
What to eat
It feels like
I’ve sat for hours
And it has
Only been five minutes
While my mind competes

98 126

My six-word short sorry series "An Image is Worth Six Words" as come to an end. Here is the 20th and last one. Hope you enjoyed them!

"Look your demon in the eye."

3 8

My series of illustrated six-word short stories is coming to an end. Here is story Four to go!

An image is worth six words. [16/20]

"I will not be your sometimes."

0 4

This week's is by . Illustration by Bianca Ng.
Send your six word stories here:

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