My my, this kid sure has done an excellent work this month, I mean for being a part timer he is doing his best and so energetic ^^ Just what I like to see <3 Congrats kiddo.

19 136

And here we have our local ESPORTS TEAM sponsored by SMOLCAFE~ YOU GO TEAM!~ Looking good in your uniform c: Hmmmm I knew those buttons looked like they pop easy, oh well Still looking great kiddoes~

86 399

Order a lot of pancakes and this waiter sure will get all happy and bouncy xD

29 182

Another satisfied happy customer~ <3

26 173

Hmmmm note to self, get more Shorts SnapGear for the employees. Oh well the skirts are cute too :P Sorry, not sorry

24 139

Huh ... So that's where some of the cupcakes went. Someone sure will be in trouble real soon ...

25 115

Lunch break is always a good moment to give praise to those good employees. Nice actions should always be appreciated.

20 102

How about starting your day with a nice bottle of your choice and a smile to come with it~

32 217

No matter if they are friends or new comers, once they enter those doors they are all our kiddoes :P

24 117

Just seeing the kiddoes finally dig into their food and watch their reaction to the food or drinks is always a blessing. <3 Making smiles is very rewarding ^^

44 271

Clean tables are happy tables c: After all gotta be ready for new kiddoes at any moment <3

51 264

Always nice to see familiar faces ready to have a nice time at the cafe ~

32 205

Looks like our bouncy employee sure can be messy while making his pastries XD Good thing we have some nice showers in the locker room along side a comfy changing table. Can welcome kiddoes and make them smile while all covered in cake :P

17 106

No matter how busy our employees are, they are sure always ready to help any of their kiddoes at the cafe with a big smile c:

34 146

Ain't it cute when the helpers are always eager to do their best to show off to their fav fellow work mates, and never let them down. Or in this case his big Papa :P Keep this up and you might become a full time employee c:

51 222

And after a long month, I can finally open up again to doing my Weekend Chummissions again ^^ So if interested on a SMOLCAFE theme or just anything of your choice theme pics just go to my journal and follow the instructions c:

3 13

It's always super cute to see those non smol employee get on their uniforms for the first time :P I am surprise this helper didn't ask for any of my help on his first try.

37 173

Accidents can happen, but don't worry, just ask for help from one of our employees and we can get you a SmolKit. Just the essentials to get you home nice and comfy c:

43 207

My my, it's that time of the week again, were we get visited by our favorite entertainer Mr. Comet~ So get your hands together and give him a warm welcome!~ WOOOO~

34 203

Our Pastries Barista sure is an energetic smol fella, ain't he? However, I've told him MANY times not to skate around on the trolley, though ... He sure will be in a lot of trouble if I catch him again.

54 247