Burn Down the Tower Chapter 17 is up! We'll try to get these out quicker! Simon certainly has a thing for tigers. :)

Artwork by

Story by us!

SoFurry: https://t.co/FwWb1Go1kj

GoogleDocs: https://t.co/ksnjRIBXe0

49 264

Burn Down the Tower Chapter 16 is up! Mordecai may be crazy but he definitely cleans up well.

SoFurry: https://t.co/xz8qLkIFxY

GoogleDocs: https://t.co/nNHUNSMSWq

Artwork by the awesome

Story is by both of us!

Please be advised this chapter may be extreme.

36 228

Finally dressed Fen'Ruth up, poor boy was in nothing but his birthday suit. I did also redraw him since I have a new drawing app, the difference in quality can be noticed, I think...

Anyways this guy will feature in my story "Inner Light" in Sofurry and FA.

5 21

Burn Down the Tower chapter 15 is UP! Simon finds out what happened to the Perry Brothers when they ran into Spring Heeled Jack.

GoogleDocs: https://t.co/MycXPuVVDi

SoFurry: https://t.co/wJY1Y9pVHz

Artwork done by the awesome !

Story is by us! Enjoy!

32 200

Burn Down the Tower Chapter 14 is UP! Sorry for the delay!

SoFurry: https://t.co/YmHEgrEavK

GoogleDocs: https://t.co/pqV0wvSVkh

Spring Heeled Jack's plans are starting to make sense and yet something doesn't sit right with Simon.
Art by

Story and characters by us

20 163

Burn Down the Tower Chapter 10 is up! Simon, needing information and help, tries his hand at seduction to get what he wants.

SoFurry: https://t.co/KQ3a43XKjY

GoogleDocs: https://t.co/rdCg6XSt2S

Artwork is copyright

Story is done me! Enjoy!!

22 116

I've commissioned to draw Fox McCloud to go along with my fanfiction, Star Fox Ascension! The first 2 chapters are already online on both my FurAffinity & SoFurry galleries, with the third chapter on early access at my Patreon!

If you're curious go check them out!

17 89

Burn Down the Tower Chapter 9 is posted! Sorry for the delay!

Simon's life grows more complex as he gains allies for the pending conflict.

SoFurry: https://t.co/hQ5tY1t834

GoogleDocs: https://t.co/HpVi970lHS

Artwork and edited by the super awesome !!

41 192

Bravery Part II! Once again inspired by awesome video with artwork by Had a lot of fun with this story and I hope y'all enjoy!

SoFurry: https://t.co/L6RNzCTKVJ

GoogleDocs: https://t.co/IuDBd5whKB

YT: https://t.co/vhZsDLZoBt

PT I: https://t.co/OYwK4OZiNV https://t.co/woPGKYeogZ

5 20

On FA and SoFurry I am TristanHawthorne
My Clean Stuff Twitter:
I am on Patreon here: https://t.co/akAHfVhma1
Here's my Ko-Fi: https://t.co/xipbJTRewO
(Art by @/vinnie_trash, an alt of the pic in the quote off previous tweet)

0 9

Burn Down the Tower Chapter 8 is up!

Simon's friends are more complicated than he realizes. Can they be trusted?

SoFurry: https://t.co/fPvgL2wreg

GoogleDocs: https://t.co/GCefd0m0gG

Artwork (and Fiz/Rut!) are copyright

Story is by yours truly.

29 153

4. My first fursona was a ring-tailed mongoose with a TARDIS pin on his hat and (For some reason) camo cargo pants.

I switched over some years ago, thoguh you can still see him in old coms and stories.

Art by Ricoshae on Sofurry

1 13

Burn Down the Tower Chapter 6 is UP! An extra chapter for the holidays!

Simon has some colorful friends. That is not Simon in the picture!


GoogleDocs: https://t.co/izl0GQoOq1

Artwork by the talented

Story copyright to me.

16 108

Burn Down the Tower Chapter 5 is UP! Time to see what Mordecai and Gideon have been up to.

SoFurry: https://t.co/JGArfkD3P2


Artwork is copyright

Characters and story copyright to me TiberiusRings

42 339

Burn Down the Tower Chapter 4 has been posted!

Simon's life is vastly different than his life in London and he's made some 'colorful' friends along the way.

SoFurry: https://t.co/2eIs2loTv4

GoogleDocs: https://t.co/7vTEsIf1hk

Artwork by

Characters are C me!

23 131

Burn Down the Tower Chapter 2 - Old Wounds is posted!

Simon thinks he's insane and we're introduced to two new friends. You meet strange people in jail.



Story is copyright to me

Artwork by

22 170

Finalmente vem aí

Projeto Sofurryphia 2022

0 2

Come to Dust - Epilogue is posted!

The story isn't done. Not a chance. Book II - Burn Down the Tower is already in the works. Enjoy a sample for the time being.

SoFurry: https://t.co/b8teLwDc0c

GoogleDocs: https://t.co/K7jnfsIxrW

Artwork by
Story by me

26 162

Come to Dust Chapter 20 is up!

Alone, scared, and weighed down by guilt, Simon weighs his options.

SoFurry: https://t.co/kVHrB3Hngh

GoogleDocs: https://t.co/Y2HuZkXVZo

Story copyright to me

Artwork by the ever talented

It's been a crazy ride.

27 169