I just received a selfie of Anya at the beach and... um... it's... nice. *Blushes hard* Thank you for the great art and making my face turn red once more. ^_^"

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So all of my maids have asked me, with big puppy dog eyes, to dress in a maid outfit. After much resistance... here it is. Thank you for another fantastic job! =)

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Here's a really wholesome fan art pic from in which Sol can finally officially call himself Daddy Sol along with Mommy Anya. This isn't canon in the current timeline, but in a future timeline... ^_^

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Looks like Jolypops used her succubus powers to summon an alternate version of the Sol Unseiso body pillow. Thank you for your excellent work! Now let the blushing commence. o.o"

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Dancing the Waltz with . Just a couple of sassy bakas on the dance floor. XP Thank you for another great looking pic!

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Anya Pavlova now has her own kart in Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart! Thank you for another great job! =D

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For national booba day, the unseiso body pillow side for Sol and Anya. The spice provided by Product will be made available soon. ;)

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Seiso body pillow side for Sol and Anya. =) Designs by Will be made available for purchase soon with unseiso side. ;)

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Getting saucy with dancing the Salsa, while eating some chips and Salsa. =) Art by

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Time for some Tango! Any dance that encourages your partner to wrap their leg around you is a good dance indeed. ^_^
Art by

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It's summer time! Beach body Sol anyone? >=D

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My first Twitch emote of Anya getting a headpat. Drawn by me. =3

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Dance pics based on the original 1.0 designs.

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I'll be posting my dance lesson pics with fellow VTubers at as well as future artwork for the channel. This dance lesson is The Shag with in a 40s vibe at the USO. Thanks again
for your amazing art!#Vtuber

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