Oh right! I drew a monster form for Hunny for the

I love drawing hodgepodges of things. It's just fun.

0 1

Forms! If there's one thing I find really cool in Kingdom Hearts, it's all the cool forms Sora can take! Here's my sora in monster form (I kinda went overboard, oops!) (Here's him formless: https://t.co/epWpsmYp9I)

3 24

I'm dying because of the work but I wanted to join to the
Very random an quick design I don't have enough free time ;u;

7 46

I've been dying to join the since everyone started posting theirs a few days ago, but I haven't had time until now to make mine ;~; But here he is! My pirate colorguard boy :>

289 1239

So I was kinda discontent with the sorasona I made so I went to revamp them...and accidentally made an AU. Help. The boy also needs a name! Please suggest one! Bio: https://t.co/OX2cKXCCmo (Please consider reading or you'll probably be confused!)

0 8

Ohhhhh I couldn't resist this thing, what an interesting idea!

2 7

So I heard Sorasonas are now a thing?! messy but!!! I had to get this out of my system real quick!

3 22

My obnoxiously pink, magical, mess of a Sorasona 💖

75 346


2 14

I see everybody doing the Sorasona thing and I thought I'd join too
It's funny to see how Sora is so different and unique in everyone's hand but yet he still is our boi <3

5 27

I changed his design a little also apparently theres a tag so

16 101

This thing is fun! I tried make him similar to my aesthetic while the design/colors still Sora?

He's also very stupid(like me).

66 270

Welp- Here's my Sorasona based on my KH3 experience🌸🌸🌸#sorasonaparty

23 180

so i wondered what would happen if i checked the kh tag since i never have and found sorasonas...so i wanted to make one as a joke but then i ended up spending four hours on it...anyways, here's the first kh post i've ever made! huh!

5 20

this is the GREATEST idea thank you. Messy because im tired

3 18

i did a quick sorasona because it seemed fun 😊

5 32

here's my sorasonaaaa he's a dumpster fire with an off the charts pain tolerance and he loves FIGHTING ( more info below ↴ )

32 117

Oh no I had to join in

5 31

this is the cutest idea I've seen thank you for the og idea....

I don't personally own kh3 bc i dont have the money/console for it but from my experience playing it at a friend's /past kh games this is. my sorasona HAHA

mint cloud baby

50 264