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#Zuma is looking for divine intervention as he faces fraud, corruption, and racketeering charges. #ZumaNeedsDOOM #Zumacharges #DoomPastor #statecaptureinquiry
Cyril's morning jog, by @ThaRealMrTman for @TheCitizen_News #StateCapture #Gigaba #CyrilRamaphosa
omunye phezu komunye...sifisoyalo.wixsite.com/yalotoons...#StateCaptureInquiry
HOOT if you supported #JacobZuma !
#ZumaResigns #StateCapture #CyrilRamaphosa
[CARTOON] Derailing Corruption: https://t.co/kGc8loVDh6 #StateCapture #LuckyMontana #Guptas #Prasa @africartoons
The courts have spoken... #snotklap
#StateCaptureJudgment #Zuma
I ain't afraid of no ZUMA! #Mlambo finally busts Zuma and says Zuma has to pay his own legal fees. #Zuma #StateCaptureJudgment #JudgeMlambo #StateCapture
The "Colonel" -- cartoon for @finweek
#BrianMolefe #eskominquiry #Eskom #StateCapture #SaxonwoldShebeen
#cyrilramaphosa said "South Africa's wheels haven't come off"... some may disagree...
#CR17 #StateCapture
Why not cut out the middle man?
#StateCapture #cabinetreshuffle #Guptas
Introducing a new TV show: Cooking The Books!
#StateCapture #Corruption #ESKOM
You're watching the Corruption Channel...
#GuptaEmails #StateCapture