This bad boy is DONE.
Big commission for my awesome stepdad of his DnD character Fizzywick. He has supported me and my artistic endeavors for a long, long time; I owe him a lot. Thank you again, stepPapa!

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Selector’s choice
by TAIKI ()

4. Buju Banton - Ganja Man
5. Buju Banton - Steppa
6. Buju Banton - Beat Dem Bad

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Next step is "Juvenile steppa"

1. Juvenile steppa feat.MORI(3KW)
2. Juvenile steppa Dub

Prod by Roots Masashi(ROOTS FAR I SOUND SYSTEM)

Coming soon

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Ora chiuderai gli occhi,forse dormirai un poco,andrà meglio Quando li riaprirai il muro non ci sarà più. Intorno a te ci sarà il vuoto infinito,tutti i morti di tutti i tempi non basterebbero,risuscitando, a colmarlo, sarai come un sassolino in mezzo alla steppa.

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so quite a few of these background characters had fullbody designs and appear multiple times. i’d wanted to have a whole line up of them maybe redesigned but alas! i’ve come to my senses. that’s too much work for me to handle right now. here’s this instead

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My Debut Album, it features some of the brightest minds in the space from the artwork to the productions
This is a Product of 🇯🇲

'The Immortal Steppa'

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The Immortal Steppa is Out now
click the link to Hear the 🎶🎶

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🏃🏿‍♂️ Blvk H3ro – The Immortal Steppa - OUT NOW!! 🙏🏿 InI give thanks for all who helped in the creation of this vision.

Listen on Spotify:

iTunes & Apple Music: /

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🔊 🎶 'The Immortal Steppa' by Blvk H3ro is now available for on Apple Music & Amazon 🙏🏾


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今日は広島のCLUBアストロのSTEP!!でDJします!!やりんさいに来てる県外勢は全員来てください!!ゲストにMUZIK SERVANTさん来ますのでボルテプレーヤーも全員来てください!!あと東方をあまり知らない人でも僕の2曲は分かるんで来てください!!!

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今週末はにじふぇす!vol.2 とSTEP!vol.10 が開催だぞ!

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2017年6月18日13:30OPEN Sound House ASTROにて、1年ぶりに東方クラブイベント「STEP!」を開催します。
ゲストに音召缶のMUZIK SERVANT氏、東方わぁいよりYaG氏をお迎えします。

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Who's your favorite Yo-kai from the Heartful Tribe? Vote in the comments now!

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is hard. Here are some tips on how to do it well.

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広島東方クラブイベント「STEP!vol.9」まで1ヶ月となりました。よろしくお願いします。6.18(Sat)13:30OPEN @ Sound House ASTRO

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