I'm opening up commissions for just this weekend and all proceeds will be donated to 's AAPI Community Fund. Prices for each character is $30 waist up and $50 for full body.
Email me at kellykao.art.com

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First day of Spring in Year of the Ox 🌸 Wishing for change and love for all. Painting now available on https://t.co/TK4Tgkhypw

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This is for u n to all of my Asian brothers n sisters

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Striscia che ho fatto dopo ste giornate in cui sono successe tante cose, ne ho lette tante e alla fine ho dovuto buttare da qualche parte i miei pensieri

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(1/2) I could literally write a whole essay, but I’ll keep it simple: all I want is for us to feel seen and heard, not as harmful caricatures of stereotypes, but as individuals and real people.

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Nobody deserves to live in fear. Especially for something as innocent as simply being born differently than you.

I will never truly know your pain and struggles. But I will always have your back.

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I've had personal experiences myself including my family with racism as a Asian myself. It only getting worse by now, we need to stop this.


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If you wanna support an Asian person right now, commission or donate to me, a Korean American artist who is currently unemployed! Truly appreciate the support!



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Our hearts go out to the friends and family of Vicha Ratanapakdee, as we continue to fight for a world where our community members can go for their morning walks and live without fear of being the next targets of brutal hate crimes.

Art by

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