Back from vacation, I don't have anything new, but I do have a ton of Wips to show. Isabeau of Devil Drive, David the Green knight, Amber of Whiplash, and Tobias of Northpoint.

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Rat God doodle, the ost is a complete banger (as the youths say nowadays) just down right excellent. Also no spoilers plz.

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Ancient Sumeria wip. Even now the memories of them is still buried deep within the subconscious of man and beast alike. An unknowable enemy, so divorced from our understanding that it is pointless to speculate.

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Sketches. It's wild to see how far one has come over the years, but to be honest at times it still feels like back in the day, when I even struggled to draw a shape that was vaguely humanish, means I still have a long ways to go.

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Magnolian Khanate WIP. Harden by millenia of not only surviving, but thriving in the hellish conditions of Heaven's Curse. All in the old world know of their legendary deeds, from killing the living Wall of Plymouth too slaying the Emperor in yellow Hasher.

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Alexander sketch. Destiny marks some for greatness, and Alexander has been given a truly daunting and grand fate.

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Karla (reissue). Aspect of GEVURAH, Hell Point Expeditionary Division or HED for short. The wars grew in scale and the Porcelain Legions grew thinner, thus the formation of HED to aid the Legion as auxiliaries. "To fight zealously against the hated entrophic enemy."

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Vampire knight Sylvaria. Their legions were once numerous and known all across the Old World, now Vampires are at the brink of extinction. Sylvaria is proud to be counted among the last of the Vampires lords

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Blackstar, Eater of Light + some sketches of him.

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