Sultan chan art for Christmas!

12 63

Keingetan lupa upload hasil jadi nya reward kemarin 😂😂😂
makasih top 3 sultan 🫶

1 10

Classified about Sultan-chan

21 148

Sultan-chan spare your life for mercy

6 62

Jjk! Kalian ada yang koleksi merch (official/fanmarch ya jangan bootleg) pamerin dong pengen liat sultan sultan pengoleksi merch 😆

pict sebagai sweetener

0 7

Jjk! Warning spoiler

Random thought, ni bocil sultan tiap hari makannya apa ya kira-kira? Pasti dia gak pernah makan nasi sama telor ceplok pake kecap doang 😅

0 8

Di Sumeru blm ada karakter sultan ya?
Cowo, pemimpin, terus kaya gitu.. (sombong bonus wkwk)

4 123

Don't lecture me! I see through the lies of the my Financial Consultant, i do not fear the Brokeness like you do!
I have bought Fumos, Figurines, Fangames and Cosplays for my new collection!

0 0

It's not always about eyes and tentacles, but sometimes it's about eyes and tentacles.

A sacrificial rite to Azathoth, the Demon Sultan, in an alien landscape.

[Cue in Prepare for Attack, Havok or Back in Black, AC/DC]

40 190

⚜️ Formación online ⚜️

El poder de la imagen. La imagen del poder en los negocios, las relaciones institucionales e internacionales...

Pedro L. Sánchez
Protocol & Consultancy SL

1 1

Yume no Shizuku Kin no Torikago :

Oeuvre historique de Shinohara Chie, on y suit l'histoire d'Hürrem, une esclave polonaise offerte au sultan Soliman Ier qui va à force d'effort devenir sa favorite puis son épouse

4 26

That Consultant, So Skillful✨

[Rock Butler]
Kuroshitsuji Parody

ที่ปรึกษาผู้นั้น ..มีความสามารถ

ช่วงนี้ย้อนกลับไปดูพ่อบ้านดำอีกรอบ เลยมีความอิน จริงๆต้องเป็น Hutao เนอะ แต่เราลำเอียงเลยกลายเป็นนายน้อย ฮ่าๆ

9 31

doodles of a weird wangsheng roleswap!AU ft. the immortal goddess of death and her (very mortal) consultant 🦋

42 120

Historical's one of my favorite genres, particularly historical manga about real life figures. These manga are about Eumenes, Charles-Henri Sanson, Roxelana Sultana & Anna Komnene. The one about Roxelana Sultana is by the Red River creator btw. Names in the description.

39 251