Go read this week's Kamikaze update: While You Were Out!

Acantha tries to walk the fine line between sympathy and getting Logan back on task running his empire.

Main Site: https://t.co/E2xdckwifa


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Tonight at 7 EST: more PARADISE KILLER! Either EVERYONE is guilty, or NOBODY is guilty! Help me figure out which is the case at https://t.co/SAun5OvZEM! And either way, Doctor Doom Jazz is cool.

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With KENTUCKY ROUTE ZERO officially behind us, I'm feeling like something a little more colorful, and also a mystery. It's time for PARADISE KILLER! Head over to https://t.co/SAun5OvZEM at 7 PM EDT tonight to join in the fun!

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Tonight at 7 EST: More KENTUCKY ROUTE ZERO! We've gotten off the main highways and are on a weird circuitous underground route! I think? I don't know, this game is weird! Tune in to https://t.co/QebyuUl90B to help me figure it out!

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