Most Selkie stories are about the 'Selkie Wife' but one of my favourites is "The Selkie Hunter." A hunter manages to stab a large seal that escapes with his best knife lodged in its side. Besides mourning his knife, the hunter forgets the incident.
🖼️ Zirasharia

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New exhibit opens at on Tuesday 10/4 “Gearheads in the Glades - Mechanical Ingenuity in Response to the Swamp” celebrating the unsung innovators who built & modified vehicles combining surplus parts to create airboats & swamp buggies.

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'Mink Pond' by Winslow Homer

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" can body, laid in that white rush,
But feel the strange heart beating where it lies?"

Leda and the Swan | WB Yeats

🖼️Swan of Tuonela by Marta Nael

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On the Isle of Man, water goblins are known as Glashtyn. Among that of various other quadrupeds, they are able to assume a horse form, known as kabyll-ushtey and are decidedly malevolent, known to grab calves and even teenage girls and tear them apart

🎨 Haapala

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Summer 1942, the rotting carcass of a sea serpent was found on a beach by two local council workers in my town. The strange creature was said to be 28ft long. The men were ordered by the Royal Navy (who use the waters) to destroy the creature...

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There is peace in the swamp where the Copperhead sleeps,
Where the waters are stagnant, the white vapor creeps,
Where the musk of Magnolia hangs thick in the air,
And the lilies’ phylacteries broaden in prayer.
There is peace in the swamp, though the quiet is death.

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Will o’ the Wisp, by Lev Lurch, c. 1888

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Świcorz is a Polish folklore creature similar to will-o'-the-wisp. They appear on wetlands. Some light a path home for lost people but those who don’t thank for their help risk a great danger as świcorz is capable of burning people alive.

Art by Paulina Śliwa

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Will-o’-the-wisp, also known as Jack-o’-Lantern, by Arthur Hughes, c. 1872

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According to Eastern Slavic mythology, if millers appease Vodyanoy, the water spirit, it'll help them by bringing water to their mills during dry spells. If they offend Vodyanov, millers can cast bread and vodka into the stream to make amends 🐟


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Swamp Witch by Dillon Samuelson.

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Shellycoat is a type of Brownie from Anglo-Scottish Borders folklore, that inhabits rivers and other water bodies. It's name, from the coat of shells it wears. It's relatively harmless unless humans trespass on it's territory

art: unknown

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Time to rendezvous with things that go bump in the bog again - another one will meet you tomorrow on

Share your tales and show your images of bogs, brooks and bights as well!

🎨 Lily Seika Jones "The Moirai" (2018)

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Thoreau on loving nearby swamps: 💚

‘When I would recreate myself, I seek the darkest wood, the thickest and most interminable, and, to the citizen, most dismal swamp. I enter a swamp as a sacred place,--a sanctum sanctorum.’
—Henry David Thoreau

🎨 Humphries

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In Slavic Dziwozona, a swamp dwelling female demon was said to kidnap human babies & replace them with her own disfigured changelings. She’s described as an ugly, old woman with a hairy body.

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Lough Leane, Killarney. A warrior by the name of O'Donoghue is said to periodically emerge from the water on the back of a white horse. The ghostly pair manifest on 01 May every seven years, but alas, I do not know the year they are next due…

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"She was whole and intact, cocooned in peat, curled like a sleeping child, with her head turned west of her pelvis. Thick, lustrous hair fanned over the tarp, the wild red-orange of an orangutan’s fur, dyed by the bog acids. ..."

The Bog Girl
Karen Russell

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Gustave Moreau’s Hercules and the Lernaean Hydra, 1876, for Killed by Hercules as his second labour. The hydra lived in the Lake of Lerna which was also an entrance to the underworld.

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