الصفحة الملونة لمانجا جديدة مرتبطة بسلسلة Kurosagi - The Black Swindler بعنوان Kurosagi Saikidou - 18-sai Shinseijin Sagi Hanzai Hen بعدد 43/2022 لمجلة Big Comic Spirits الأسبوعية للترويج لبداية عرض اقتباس الدراما اليابانية الواقعية

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. 『聖馬蹄形惑星の大詐欺師』
(The Great Swindler of the Holy Horseshoe Planet)

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Hmm short haired princess (swindler) in this web manhua.

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Asher Furlan. Traveling inventor and swindler. Brilliant with inventing small mechanical stuff, but prefers to just steal and double-cross people for money. Lover of good food, drink and the company of beautiful women.
Kind of an ass, but has a secret heart of gold.

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This morning I have painted for an hour & listened to morning TV & all the crime & corruption happening - no mention of our government tho - just the usual dole swindlers - clever marketing

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[oc] Exodius and Gordon, the greatest villain and the biggest swindler

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“Never trust people who promise to make you rich in a day. They are generally crazy swindlers”
― Carlo Collodi, Pinocchio

Check out this item on OpenSea https://t.co/PSRf8HH7KC aracılığıyla

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My baby Cyrus 💚 Professional cry baby and swindler

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Thai word today [Nak-Tom-Tun] (Swindler) [Tom-Tun] (Scamming)
Nak (นัก) means Person in action
TomTun (ต้มตุ๋น) means To scam
But also,
Tom alone means To boil
Tun alone means To braise
[Nak-Tom-Tun] Literally mean a person who scams (or boiled and braised) someone

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Hai guys. Kalau ada sesiapa yg kenal dgn lelaki ni Mohd Nursyukran Bin Saini tolong hentikan. Dah ramai sgt terkena dgn dia ni.
LARIKAN DUIT PEREMPUAN, DUIT MAJIKAN. Tak berhenti gali lubang tak kambus2. Tinder swindler Malaysia!

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Just in case anyone else wants to buy five copies of the Otaku USA magazine that's showcasing a preview of Nishimura Tsuchika's fantastic "The Invisible Woman vs the Master Swindler" (which I got to help translate for Glacier Bay), here's the link! 🙌💕


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• new release🎉
↳ 「 달콤한 사기꾼은 누구? 」
official english translation
has been licensed by pocket comics
under the title ↴
「 The Sweet Swindler 」

official english source ↴
pocket comics •


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so many friends making ocs too im excited hehe here's mine theyre a silly little swindler from whatever the genshin equivalent for indo is

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Inspirational swindler 😒

Manhwa: Trash of the Count's Family

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Devereaux (they/them), the dashing troublemaker and swindler <3

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First, a favourite of mine for some reason. XD Asher is an inventor, swindler and occasional thief. Charming, sly, kind of a bastard... but does have a soft side to him. ^^

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【English Lament】Tropon
The full lyric MV of Tropon's Lament, "Liar's Lie," is now live on our official YouTube!

Tricking oneself is a swindler's greatest talent.
But, she was too kind to trick anyone.

Watch here♪
▼Liar's Lie (Full Ver.)

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The least trustworthy of all the Goblini Affiliations-
The Dotty Hat Kin are born swindlers.


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