Since it's day 2 of and I'm gonna do a giveaway of one of my prints from my Etsy shop, your choice! Just RT and like this tweet and I'll pick a winner at random at the end of the day 🙂

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Eerie psychological horror from me & .

Hans & Retha travel to the woods to find peace and perspective. Instead, they find only a nightmare of repression, guilt and horror.

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An upbeat caper comic set in a futuristic Moon City!

Teenage cat-burglar Toni Doinel has one night to save her dying brother. And a whole city trying to stop her.

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Hi Brian! I'm going to recommend Victory Point by Owen D Pomery. I think you will appreciate the contemplative, philosophical storytelling, the incredible design and beautiful colours.

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want to make you a deal. Oh sure, sure, it's your soul they're after... but think of what the rewards might be. How they might sound. Where they might take you.

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We are back with another day of a packed programme of videos for you to enjoy, our exhibitor tables are all set up ready for you to browse. Why not head to our gallery space today and check out the work on show?

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And with this one, Let's call it a day !! was a Patreon request I did live for

I'll be back to sign the orders from my shop tomorrow ♥ thank you !!

Check out all the other amazing artists at

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Thank you all who came along to our stream tonight, many blessings from our Olympian Poké-Gods

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If you missed out on IND-XED Kickstarter you can pre-order now through my site or via writer ‘s Big Cartel:
Check out the recent review:

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Here are a few more character sheets for you, with little notes I left for Jed :D

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It’s time all this weekend!! You can find my stuff in the Travelling Man Hall!

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We're working on a pitch for various publishers with this story. So it might not be a while before it comes out.

It's about Cordelia who after her mum's death comes to live with her dad who ... well ... kills monsters for a living.

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During this week I'd like to highlight some of the work I've done that you don't usually get to see when you meet me at a convention. This one's a wip, but I hope you enjoy it anyway.

Today I want to talk about

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I’m very happy with my fine art print Friends!
It’s available on my shop as a high quality inkjet A3+ print.
Link here:

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I didn't do any concepts for WNG, (besides collecting photo reference) but the girls hair provides a sort of time line for the whole story, as it's not told chronologically.

It's like a puzzle you can jigsaw together.

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As an aside, when we were done recording our interview, mentioned that it was a dream of his to come across the Atlantic to , one of the world’s greatest cons. And I’d totally love to see it. His commissions alone are worth the cost of admission!

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Here is the pitch for one of my comics - Golf Girl. Usually done in person with a lovely prop card.

"Do you like golf!?"
(usually the answer is no)
"Me neither. Here's a comic about it."

At which point, you would either walk away, or stay (1/5)

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Meanwhile, rippling through the shadows, here comes big .

Paul's comics are not just genuinely revelatory, they're funny with it. Scoop 'em up quick before he has a chance to wrestle them back out of your nervous hands!

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The boundary-pushing, abstract comics work of Olivia Sullivan is on sale in the Gonna Catch ‘Em Hall at Read our reviews of the comics Olivia has on sale here: Highly recommended!

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