day 6: -soft and treasure-

Very Normal Renmerry

130 354

day 5 - rarepair / misunderstandings (?) ✨
idk why it took me THIS long to draw my very elusive rarepair but um here u go i think they’re fun

211 708

(Day 6: Soft) What’s softer than cuddling your literal catgirl gf? Anyways i can’t believe the week’s almost over i’ve had so much fun drawing

34 65

day 4 - swapping 🔄
totally not a self indulgent ship idea, nope not at all what are you talking about

294 988

Day 6: Treasure/Soft
hecajun ~ "A loving family is one's greatest treasure."

69 151

6 - treasure/soft

fulfilling a wish of an 11 yo me with a very particular touhou ship

56 188

yumemi and snae !!! (Something small bc i forgor to do this)

15 35

"The Beginning of the Era of the 3D PRINTER POWERED HANIWA"
Theme: Rarepair
This is my art for day 5 of touhou ship week.

5 16

The Thief Puppeteer & The Seven-Colored Magician
Day 4 . Swapping [ MariAli ]

110 384

day 5: misunderstandings; Mokou sees Keine under the light of a full moon for the first time

20 55

Day 5: Rarepair/Misunderstandings
erikene ~
"Why are you covered head to toe with the princess' hair?"
"I can explain..."

26 73

Day 4: Festivities with terumoko | Enjoying the nice view... 💕

103 222

Day 4: Swapping. Goofy size swap

44 129