"Nostalgia" for ft. an attempt at pixel art with Midare and dreamy colors since that combo always invokes nostalgia for me✨ though I wonder do others feel the same 😅. 1st pic is it blown up, second is actual size, and third was what I had when the timer was up 💦

7 11

A little bit late for , here is cat Yagen 🐱(i didn't had time for dog Fudou, buuuut maybe another day)

9 16

Prompt: cats vs dogs
I went with...Genji dogs !!

4 6

but its 20 mins
a torn dress aint gonna stop him!

6 15

well... butlers and maids are specialized in "service", r-right 👀💦💦 (couldn't choose so i decided to make two lmao)

20 68

the only logical choice was maid kikkou 🙈

5 4

maid + butler ft. yamanbagiris

12 22


A week late but here's some Samonjis jkfshs

33 53

Together + Spring! Kunichougi...🌸🌸🌸

7 14


excuse me as I spread my tomoyasu agenda

10 18

"Spring" for this weeks 🌸🌸🌸I wish I was able to include ducks like I originally wanted in the end since rain, flowers, and ducks sum up the spring I saw this year 🦆

4 6

【Favourite Sword】 Forever my beautiful son, Ima ❤

10 19

a lil souza for - fav sword!💗

10 20


I love Souza and Yagen so much! 😭💕

23 44

Theme: favorite sword

I LOVE CHOUGI.... ! ! ! ! ! ! Everyday w/o Chougi is a day in darkness....

18 31

[favorite sword] of course it's these three: "micchan's husband" "garbage dragon" and "horny kitty"

34 111