ビーラブ BELOVE [ 22 ] - November 15, 2010
▪️CH 63 - The only real Taichihaya BELOVE cover and the fact it happened 10+ years ago make a me cry. Anyways if I ever manage to get my hands on this one it’s going in a glass case. I THINK it’s ch 63 but idk idc I just that cover lol.

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Vote for Taichihaya, the couple with the best confession in animanga history.

If they win, I will receive drawings and colouring requests for 24 hours, of anything! https://t.co/uvddmgcShL

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chikawa canon. kyoru canon. taichihaya canon. sasamiya canon. ALL MY FAVORITE SHIPS CANON 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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“Look at you plopped on the ground like that.
It’s no wonder they call you a beauty in vain.”



Verse 1 - Verse 154
(open both edits fully)

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taichihaya… peak best friends to lovers… what more can i say??? they’ve been on my mind a LOT lately and they’re everything to me 😭💖

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