In this month's Hoojas' Royal Recipes, learn how to make come crunchy and yummy paneer popcorn to enjoy on a rainy day!

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All aboard the Tinkle tour bus! Take this quiz & find out which part of Tinkle World would be like your second home.

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Learn how to make a batch of mouth-wateringly delicious, eggless pancakes in this edition of Hooja's Royal Recipes!

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In this edition of Hooja's Royal Recipes, learn how to make a delicious and refreshing smoothie using strawberries and lime juice.

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Happy Onam! Check out Tantri's attempt at ruining Hooja's delicious Onam sadhya in this festival-themed See and Smile!

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Learn how to prepare Banana Sushi, an exotic looking but easy to make dish, in this edition of Hooja's Royal Recipes!

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In this week's personality quiz, find out which of Tinkle's dreaded villains would be perfect for you to try and befriend!

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How dastardly are you? Take this personality quiz to find out if you have what it takes to join the ranks of Tantri the Mantri's henchmen!

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