V is for Venomous

Normally I was gonna go for a snake bit I think a spider would've been more interesting 👀

83 583

U is for Uwan, a Japanese yokai thats depicted as a disembodied voice in abandoned temples and homes.

By far my least favorite teratober prompt LMFAO

24 197

S is for Sci-fi

Choco Werehound brainrot is real I'm making more art of him and the cakehounds than the Teratober prompts LMFAO

83 527

R is for Ratatoskr, a squirrel that climbs up Yggdrasil to carry messages.

23 201

Q is for Qiqirn, a bald dog spirit in Inuit Mythology, that only has hair on its feet, mouth, ears, and tail.

26 204

L is for Lamia, a Classical Mythology daemon known to devour children.

I was distracted by Choco Werehound in CRK sorry if this is late LMAO

27 208

J is for Jormungandr, a sea serpent in Norse Mythology that's known to be the middle child of Loki.

79 379

I is for Ichneumon, a medieval creature known to be the enemy of the dragon.

It's funny finding out that this monster is actually really similar to the Hydrus LMAO

41 267

H is for Hydrus, A creature from the medieval bestiary that would burst out of a crocodile's stomach if it got eaten

This one was weird as hell LMAO

35 316

F is for Fairy, a mythological spirit that are usually known to be tricksters.

18 119

E is for Erchitu, a white ox with candles on it's horns that transforms under the full moon, due to the person committing a serious fault.

110 704

Día 5. "Mientras más pelos, mejor"

Decidí realizar unos días del octubre MonsterFucker de , los que me alcancé la existencia por ahora 🥲

2 21

C is for Cockatrice, a biblical beast with a body of a wyvern/serpent and a head of a rooster.

Not my favorite so far, but eh LMAO

26 144