Not totally sure why is trending but I'm always down to share my love for a really excellent, stylish little show and its titular very good boy.

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since is trending here’s some playlist covers i did for Them

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it's been a year since your end but your story still being shared. Hope one day you can come back with new adventures💖

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Timezone cant work together with me bUT, ITS SO GOOD TO HEAR IT BACK TRENDING! for existing in my life! Once i saw one episode,i got too obsessed bc of how beautiful the show is. Also have made made grown up SO MUCH. If it has a chance to get back,im v happy💖

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I know this is a weird one, but for finally giving me closure on RPG World.

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!!! Thank you for this dynamic. Fink's admiration for her boss/dad is so cuteeeeeeee

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for giving me the ultimate comfort ship to help me cope with everything happening in my life

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OK KO: Let’s Be Heroes is one of the best shows I’ve seen in the past decade. It never failed to put me in a positive mind set when I was feeling down, and it really helped me through some rough stuff.

Please watch OK KO on Hulu and HBO max!!!

1 4

for being an AMAZING show!! has gotten me through so much: given me tons of laughs, dreams and inspirations! SO much, that it helped me find my true friends AND fueled a CRAZY GOOD upcoming Fan-Series, OK KO We ARE Heroes! by and I🌟#okkoweareheroes

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for always bringing me comfort when I’m at my worst moments :’^)
Ok ko seriously makes me feel better about myself and who i am, I’m really grateful that this show exists

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for coming into my life & making a big impact on me. Thank you for being one of the shows that inspired me to create my own characters, stories and projects. Hopefully I can share them all with you one day. Thank you and the OKKO Crew for making the show.😍🥰

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For being a big inspiration to me and my art, and for being an awesome show! Here's some old Ok K.O art to celebrate the series finale anniversary

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