Rock number 12 in I was really hoping to do 1 rock per day but I'm finding myself short on time for the challenge this week. So it's just a regular old 1hour boulder today, nothing too fancy

1 15

10 rock sculpts done! I made it to double figures with - still getting to grips with trimsmooth but this was really fun to make! Was also my first time trying to built a custom material for nicer screengrabs

3 17

Created some crystals for rock 06!
Also felt like texturing them🥰

9 139

Past few days of catching up on the rock challenge.

Trying to hone in on how to do blocky cartoony rocks. But other people do it so much better than me.

1 2

rock number 8! Only had an hour free to spend on it tonight, but an unfinished rock is far better than nothing

2 14

Here's rock number four with I'm chasing that crinkly feel. We'll get there soon enough!

1 3

for the first time I will try myself in such a challenge( one hour of work)

1 7


I'm not as happy with this rock as I was with the last few, but that's okay. Sometimes you just don't hit the mark. Usually I dwell on it but I'm going to try to accept it for what it is and try again on the next rock.

New Year, New Attitude!😄

2 56

Here is Rock 10 for Rocking New Year Challenge🪨
Nearly there now and think getting the hang of sculpting rocks😁

5 40

Rock 04:

Finished well before midnight today!

So far I've been pretty happy with the rocks I've made. I'd like to speed up sculpting the large forms a bit so I can focus more on small details and polish.

Spent about an hour using Trim Smooth Border

9 72

Still going strong with Day 6!
With hindsight I can see some issues I'd need to polish up here, seems a tad messy and overcomplicated in a few areas and it took a little too long at 1.5hrs, but it's not too bad overall

2 11

no 5 - I remembered how to sculpt today!! Feels like I'm improving at making interesting shapes and forms, this one ended up taking 3hrs bc I was having too much fun with it

1 8

LATE POST but here's rock for with ! It's got twists, turns and will withstand getting hit with smaller, squishier rocks.

1 5

Day 4!
Not rly satisfied w this one, had to call time after 1.5hrs of struggle (inc 2x 5min internal screaming breaks) bc it was clear I had no idea what tf I was aiming for here. Seems like I just wasnt in the right frame of mind to sculpt rocks today

2 8