Heya ! Bruce here, artist, writer pushing IGG I have running. Right this second, I am working on a new script for a new project. Fav drink while creating is Diet Dr.Pepper.
I'm interested in getting work up on ComixCentral in the future.
How are you?

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About 24 hours away from launch on 3pm CDT on Friday the 9th. Excited about bringing this to you, excited to see if it resonates.

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Once bound for Titan, a terraforming behemoth is now derelict and adrift in space. An asset recovery team is tasked with retrieving its data logs but soon after boarding, find that they are not the only ones determined to secure its bounty.

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Getting closer to pulling the trigger. Next week is the plan. Exact date sooner than later. If you like Aliens, Pandora, Starship Troopers, etc. I think you'll like The Wreck.

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Announcement for launch date for coming soon. A action adventure Story and art by me, colors by KOHONOMOKO.

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Hey Jon, would appreciate you checking out my work and my project (4 finished pages on my Twitter feed) and letting me know what you think. The Wreck is coming soon to Indiegogo.

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An asset recovery team finds themselves in a fight for their lives and a race against time aboard a derelict terraforming ship bound for Titan. "Into the Breach" coming soon to Indiegogo

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Monday since my seems to get more attention, here are some of the more popular ones. Make sure to also check out images too

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Another page back from the colorist for "Into the Breach" sans dialog. Look for it soon on Indiegogo.

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Thought some of you might be interested. The inked version of page one for "Into the Breach" alongside the finished page, colors by KOHONOMO.

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Remember that transformers divorce and child custody comic?

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So; guess I'll start off with one of my latest drawing; Perceptor from Last Stand of the Wreckers 👌🏻

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As part of the 300 followers celebration (thanks to everyone!) Here are the first 3 pages of "Into the Breach" primer (sans dialog) that I plan to crowdfund in Sept. Hope you like them. Colors by KOHONOMOKO.

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Another great job of coloring Sam from my project by Sergio or as he likes Kohonomoko. He's on IG "@"kohonomoko.

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bringing up feels for me so colored my last commission. Lines/art by Roche, colors by me

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EPISODE 33: REQUIEM OF THE WRECKERS. The team review the final installment in the Wreckers trilogy. It gets emotional. Spoilers ahoy. https://t.co/dD87LrZc8S

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“For the last time I SAID NO!”Someone is reading Sins of the Wreckers 👀👌#Prowl

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i finally got around to reading so here's a spider daddy

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