"The oldest, shortest words - 'yes' and 'no' - are those which require the most thought."



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The mind cannot be turned off; however, in we can learn to withdraw our from it... this is the road to and


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We are here to master our emotions and minds and not be trapped and bound by them.


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If we deal with the lower energies and the that manifest them we're likely to deal with everything better.


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We tend to miss or not perceive subtle energies as they get lost in the glare of our physical reality.


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Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible.
~ Frank Zappa

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We are more likely to pay attention to our conscious choices when we are compassionate and


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"No man has received from nature the right to command his fellow human beings."

Denis Diderot


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Don't let the you can't help all who suffer turn into a belief that you can't help any who do.


Art by Bill Bow (Saatchi Art)
Helping Others

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When we are judgmental we lock the doors to and and inhibit our growth.


Art by JD Jouineau

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"Where the senses fail us, reason must step in."

Galileo Galilei


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We all change, it's inevitable. The only choice we have is between whether change is like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic or we're consciously directing it to our


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We ought not fear our not thinking and trying to avoid them doesn't make them go away … it's not unlike fearing our breath.


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Our is a problem solving tool - sometimes that tool can get out of control start looking for find out more on for Beginners click the link in my bio!

Follow me on Insta: https://t.co/sQKH1xfaIU

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"Curiosity is the lust of the mind."

Thomas Hobbes


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